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Torch:U.S.The Official Magazine of the Junior Classical League Volume LVIII, Number 1 • Fall 2008

Home at Last! NJCL Convention 2008

Opinion 2

Thank yous must go out to everyone who made the 2008 NJCL Convention possible.

Voices 3

The 2007-2008 NJCL Officers share their farewells as JCL looks toward the future and the terms of the 2008-2009 NJCL Officers.

National News 5

Read about the 2008 NJCL Homecoming, the Publicity Contest, the scholarship winners, the National Committee elections, and the Ed Phinney and Mildred Sterling Book Awards.

Convention Recap 10

A brief recap of all the happenings at the 55th NJCL Convention. This convention was held at the home of the JCL, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and was one of the most exhilarating conventions ever.

Results 20

The complete results for all contests at Nationals are listed here, along with the overall winners in each category.

Photos 30

Browse a photo collage of your memorable experiences at convention.

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Home Sweet Home Thank you, Miami University!Jacob Welch, 2008-2009 NJCL Editor

The marching of “geeks and nerds” usually conjures up images of a high school marching band. Although the Jay County High School marching band practiced daily on the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio, those “band nerds” were no match for the 1,500 “Classical geeks” who resided on the campus from July 23 to August 2 at the 55th Annual NJCL Convention. With love and dedication for the Classics, JCLers with sponsors, state chairs, and chaperones traveled from across the United States and Ontario to participate in such events as certamen, colloquia, ludi, olympika, chorus, talent shows, and testing while gaining friendships with delegates from their own and other JCL chapters.

A round of applause and thanks should be given to everyone who put an extraordinary amount of time into making this convention possible: the Ohio delegates, who warmly greeted us with bright smiles; the Miami University staff, whose hospitality made convention more comfortable; the Executive Board, who made this convention a great success; the National Committee, who mentors the NJCL Officers and spends many hours planning convention; the SCL, who supervise That’s Entertainment, ludi, and olympika; and the ACL, whose support for the Junior Classical League has made it into a thriving organization. These people truly dedicated themselves to following this year’s theme, Non nobis solum nati sumus or “We are not born for ourselves alone.” They are responsible for the great success of this year’s convention.

This year, candidates strenuously campaigned in hopes of serving the Junior Classical League as an NJCL Officer. Hanging up signs, passing out stickers, drawing with chalk, and answering questions, these candidates showed their true passion for JCL. With three contested offices, they participated in a number of election activities to gain delegates’ support. This was another exciting year of elections, and candidates showed their true understanding of the theme, proving that they will work hard to spread the spirit of JCL.

When 1,500 JCLers unite, expect an unforgettable display of spirit. From hometown heroes to purple and corn, JCLers showed their passion for the Classics and state pride when competing for spirit prizes. Spirit was not only shown during General Assemblies, but states supported their certamen and ludi teams, encouraging friendly competition in the Junior Classical League. An act of kindness was awarded every day with a stuffed animal named Jerry the Giraffe, who was passed on to another good Samaritan the following day. Parading around Millet Hall in togas, JCLers also consumed catered food, sold themselves in Rent-a-Roman, and enjoyed an overall fun time at the Roman Banquet.

Next year’s convention will be held in Davis, California at the University of California Davis. Expect a convention with movie stars, paparazzi, and drama! To pass the time, become more involved in your local and state JCL chapters. Spread the friendly hand of JCL to those in need, promote enthusiasm for the Classics, foster brotherhood by helping others through community service, and inspire dedication to students at school. See all of you in California next year. Have a wonderful year!


Torch:U.S. PolicyTorch:U.S. is published four times yearly as the official magazine of the National Junior Classical League. Issues are published in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. It is entered as third-class material from the Oxford, Ohio, Post Office.

The ideas expressed in the Opinion section are the comments of the Torch:U.S. and its staff and should not necessarily be considered the policy of the National Junior Classical League, its officers, or the National Committee.

Readers are encouraged to express their opinions on any subject relevant to Latin or JCL on the Voices Page. Your name and address or title must be included with your submission. All names will be published. Submissions may be sent to the editor or the advisor (see addresses to the left).

Editor : Pranish Kantak/Jacob Welch Advisor : Kevin Fu

Junior Classical League DirectoryNJCL Officers 2008–09

President Brandon Bark

[emailprotected] V ice President Shilpa Apte


Second V ice President Sherelle Wu

[emailprotected] Quinn Stewart


Parliamentarian Elizabeth Hur

[emailprotected] Amanda Haislip


Editor Jacob Welch

[emailprotected] Coordinator Paula Luong


NSCL Officers 2008–09President Zach Fenno

[emailprotected] ice President Colette Forcier

[emailprotected] Caitlin Johnston

[emailprotected] Abby Peters

[emailprotected] Jon Survant

[emailprotected] Tyler Lloyd

[emailprotected] Alexander Hemsley


National Committee 2008-09Chair Christine Conklin Constitutional Advisor

[emailprotected] ice Chair Jeremy M. Walker Pubic Relations

[emailprotected] Amy Elifrits Contests, Creative Arts

[emailprotected]/Scholastic Services David L. Volk


Publications Kevin Fu

[emailprotected], Academics Laura Long


Contests, Olympik a/SCL Tony Martin

[emailprotected], Certamen Tom Reed


Contests, Graphic Arts Melissa Burgess

[emailprotected] Communications William Lee


Convention Advisor Sue Robertson

[emailprotected]/Ex-Officio Geri Dutra


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Fall 2008

Grace...On Fire!

Dear beloved JCLers,The 55th NJCL Convention

at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio has been one of the greatest conventions the organization has ever had. We gathered for another week of academics, athletics, spirit, and entertainment and have evolved into more wholesome JCLers. I hope and I know—based on so many testimonies—that all of you who had attended the convention made the most out of the experience and once again, made memories to last a lifetime.

Unfortunately, this is my last letter to you. This year as president, I had the opportunity to lead the Executive Board at the planning meetings, plan and revise the convention agenda, and represent the NJCL at various needs including state conventions. I, along with the rest of the officers and the National Committee, worked diligently to bring the organization another successful year. Serving you as the 2007-2008 President of the National Junior Classical League has truly been an honor that has evolved me into a greater leader, scholar, and a forever-fan of the Classics.

Fulfilling the presidential duties would not have been possible without the invaluable guidance of many. I would like to thank my mentor Mrs. Martha Altieri for the indispensable advice and the whispers in my ear that led me throughout the year. To Mr. Ron Folds and Mr. Neal David, words are not enough to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for supporting me and believing me to the end as my sponsors, teachers, and friends. To state co-chairs Mr. Cameron Ward and Mrs. Natalie Faulkner and to the Georgia delegation as a whole, one could not have asked for a better delegation to belong to. Your valuable encouragements kept the Grace on fire.

Lastly, I want to thank you, all you JCLers, for being the most enthusiastic, dedicated, and scholarly people you are. I hope you will remain loyal to the organization in the years to come, just as much our memories will remain “on fire” in our hearts.

Maximas gratias et ValeteGrace Jeong

2007-2008 NJCL President

Mr. President...

Dear Fellow JCLers,The day before the past NJCL

Convention, I flew into Cincinnati from London. I had spent the past four weeks studying in Oxford, England, making one of the most memorable experiences of my life. A month in England gave me plenty of time to see the sights, down the fish and chips, get in touch with mainstream English culture, and get a feel for the ancient, quaint, but touristy city that is modern Oxford. Upon saying goodbye, though, I realized that no matter how much time I had spent there, it wouldn’t be enough to counter the fact that I would not be returning anytime soon. The friends and experiences I had formed there—some of the best in my life—would be forever engraved in my mind, but the odds of seeing these friends or reliving these memories ever again outside my own head would be slim to none.

Just so, only less apparently, those of us who keep coming to national conventions keep coming with the knowledge we’ll face

the farewell that the close of every convention forces from us. Though it’s true that many of our good-byes last only a year, the implications of time upon our work are undeniable. As Classicists, an intimate knowledge with the persistence of tempus fugit means that goodbyes are a recurring part of what we must endure. Like my seven fellow departing national officers, I, too, must say farewell in a way. The work we did and the dreams we conceived are primarily a thing of the past. The substantive part of that past, like my Oxford and all our memories, is essentially irrecoverable.

But the reality of what we do as Classicists must invoke an entirely different consideration. Our specialty is hindsight: we’re trained to see history as the unraveling of a universal theme through different particulars in different times. We see the present as a continuous document of human history that always reflects and borrows from the past. We alone are the privileged inheritors of this knowledge. In our efforts to preserve and understand the continuity of our connection to the legacies our forebears left us, the immortality of our convictions should convince us that goodbyes are, if not non-existent, then entirely irrelevant to our spirit.

Just so, this farewell is an inaugural. We close the past year acknowledging its aspirations; we open a new season embracing them. For the dreams of the past are intrinsically dreams, and by definition undone: dreams demand action and yearn for the creativity of the future. By building upon these visions and dedicating ourselves to unfinished works, we can transform mere confidence in conquest to mean the reality of our success. In the words of Aesop, Fortuna nobis vi animi tantum frenabitur—“the level of that success is limited only by our imagination.”

Imagination and dedication in combination will ensure that


National Committee Honorary & EmeritusNational Committee Emeritus Members

Francis O’BrienMarcella StittLillie B. HamiltonJames F. MinterAnne B. CovingtonJune S. LeRayDennis M. BartlowTerrance E. DePasqualeJudith L. HahnRichard J. BeatonElaine K. TearsSherwin D. LittlePrudence P. MorelandSue T. RobertsonKathy ElifritsLaura M. GilesLiz BouisPenny CipoloneStephen GentleGaylan DuBoseEdward LongSusan MarquisJim O’NeilMartha Altieri

National Committee Honorary MembersJane L. NethercutDonna J. GerardSusan H. BowmanJoseph GilpinSusan S. SchearerKendra HenryVirginia M. JonesRandy ThompsonNora MacDonaldDobbie Vasquez

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the ideas our predecessors left us will be fulfilled in the term ahead of the present board. My fellow officers and I commit to propel this organization out of the ambiguity of possibility into a clear concept of what we must do and will do in the year ahead. The strength to do this lies in our unity as a collective body. It resides in the dynamism of our individual members. Greatest of all, like the pharaohs interred in their pyramids, it is embedded in the Classical legacy that shields and surrounds the reality of our creative vision. Si monumentum requiris, circ*mspice.

Ad litora Californiae,Brandon Bark

2007-2008 NJCL 1st Vice President 2008-2009 NJCL President

Spirit is a way of life!

Salvete JCL,I am pleased to say this year has

been the most exciting year. From becoming a national officer to pinning the new 2nd Vice President, I have had experiences that cannot be replaced in a lifetime. I was so excited when I received mail from schools that completed over 400 hours of community service in ten different ways, or when I heard the President of the United States was going to recognize the National Junior Classical League and its wonderful doings.

I would like to thank the JCL for giving me the opportunity I had as a national officer to meet new people, experience new things, and have a wonderful year planning another very successful convention. I had a wonderful time working with the other officers and committee members, and best of luck to the new board and committee members. Thank you JCL for giving me the best memories and experiences I will ever have. I truly have been touched by the friendly hand of JCL!

Ex animo,Maggie Marshall

2007-2008 NJCL 2nd Vice PresidentMaintain decorum!

Dear JCLers,After returning home from the

2008 NJCL Convention at Miami University, all I could think about was how I wanted to go back. The entire week was filled with hard work, plenty of fun, and memories that will not be soon forgotten. I hope each of you enjoyed the week just as much as I did. My duties at convention, which included presiding over Nominations Committee, Candidates' Speeches, and Open Forum, all were completed successfully with the help of my fellow officers. The newly elected board is filled with enthusiastic JCLers, and I have no doubt that next years convention at UC Davis will be just as memorable.

This past year has been a journey that I will never forget. I leave my JCL years behind, ready and eager to begin my SCL years. Considering how much the JCL has given to me over the past 6 years, I can't wait to start giving back as an SCLer. See you next year!

Semper,Carissa Williams

2007-2008 NJCL Parliamentarian

Picture Queen!

Dear Fellow JCLers,It is hard to believe that another

year has gone by; and WOW, what a year it was! It has been both an honor and a privilege to have served as your 2007-2008 NJCL Historian. I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent sorting through the thousands of pictures you sent, editing music clips, compiling my scrapbooking guidelines and hints, and creating this year’s digital scrapbook: Making Memories.

For those of you who were able to view the scrapbook at nationals, I hope you enjoyed seeing the many memories that we have created as an organization. For those of you were not able to attend, we are still trying to find a way to make the scrapbook widely available… stay tuned!

In addition to completing all of my duties and goals, I have also been fortunate to meet many of you excited JCLers. Please do not let that enthusiasm die for it is your spirit and passion that fuels the JCL. Thank you once again to everyone who sent me pictures or aided in my historian duties. Your aid allowed me to capture the wonders and excitement that this organization has to offer. I know I have truly been touched by the friendly hand of JCL, and I hope you have been too!

Maximas Gratias!Kathryn Kukla

2007-2008 NJCL Historian

Minutes make the world go round!

Dear JCLers,It's been a wacky and wonderful

year serving as the NJCL Secretary. The year was busy, filled with Planning Meetings, minutes, correspondence with state officers, minutes, Convention, and, yeah, minutes. It was an honor and a privilege to work with the 2007-2008 NJCL Officers: the symposium of ideas at the meetings, the bonding between us, and the silly late nights talking.

Furthermore, I have a few thank yous to make: to, of course, the NJCL Officers and the National Committee, for all your dedication; to my North Carolina JCL, for all your support and understanding; to Missouri JCL for the mischief and mayhem at Convention; and finally to my Latin teacher, Mr. Naylor, for all the years of pushing me to excel.

Sincerely,Emily Alice Calder

2007-2008 NJCL Secretary

Writing for the last time...

Salvete, JCLers!Ahh…my last time writing

something for the wonderful Torch. This day comes as a sad moment in my life, as I have enjoyed every moment of writing, compiling, and editing this year’s Torches, and it pains me to think that I’m finally done. As I’m sitting up here in Boston, Massachusetts relishing my


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Fall 2008

last days before classes begin for me at Lehigh University, I cannot help but think what my life would have been like without this memorable experience. A few words that come to mind: bland, boring, and dreary. Without my JCL memories and experiences, I would not have gained the tools to excel in my future professional field, medicine, which requires adequate writing skills; and for that, JCL, thank you.

Disregarding the professional benefits, JCL has had a profound impact on my social life. I have made so many life-long friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Without these friends my life would be trivial. I believe a few thank yous are in order. To North Dakota for all the wonderful memories you’ve helped me build; you guys have been great! To the National Officers, it has been a pleasure working with you this year; you're all awesome friends! To the National Committee, especially Mr. Volk and Dr. Fu, thank you for a great year, I cannot express the impact all of you have made on my life! And finally to you, JCL and JCLers, thank you for some of the best memories of my life. See you next year in Cali!

Brownfully yours,Pranish Kantak

2007-2008 NJCL Editor

Robot Army...

Salvete, JCLers!As of this writing, in less than

400 hours I will be in Baltimore beginning my new life as a college student of biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. When I took office last summer, this moment was about 9,100 tense, tedious, and uncertain hours away. In the 8,700 hours I spent as your technology coordinator last year, so much has happened to me, the NJCL website, and JCL as a whole.

I believe I will always be remembered as the officer who managed to get outsourced. Just a few months under my reign of technological terror and the decade-old crumbles. It seems that after only four officers, the nascent position of technology coordinator prepares for its final hours. If you haven’t already heard, in order to truly bring JCL into the Information Age with services including online convention registration and photo/video galleries, the committee and I have decided to hand the website over to a third party, who will likely redo and manage from now on. Yes, it is the end of an era, but at the same time it is the beginning of a new, better age for technology in JCL.

In the same way, I find myself not thinking about how I am going to survive without the title of NJCL officer, but rather about my future involvement in SCL and return to convention next year in my home state of California. In order to accommodate those used to attending convention among farms, fields, and woods, we have selected the UC Davis campus. I suggest a preconvention trip to the LA or San Francisco area. UC campuses do have a reputation for very nice dorms and food, so keep this in mind when registration time rolls around next year. Until then, I’ll remain in SCL-hibernation, buried by my multivariable calculus, organic chemistry, and marketing courses. I hope to graduate in four years with a degree in biomedical engineering with a focus in cyborg army production (or something to that effect). To my successor and the rest of the new board, I leave the following advice: stay punctual, do your EOMs early, and though the temptation to act like a haughty Roman emperor might be difficult to resist, the Californian reminds you to smile, stay a little laid back, and enjoy your time at convention. I will reiterate the thanks I gave a few weeks ago to Mrs. Altieri, my Latin teacher, sponsor on the board, and mentor throughout high school. I would also like to thank my mentor on the committee: Mr. O’Neil, who I hope is enjoying the USB dart launching turret I got him to defend his home office space. Finally, a warm thanks to anyone who’s been part of the California nationals delegation for the past three years. You’ve all helped to make the best memories of my high school experience.

Ex animo,Noah Young

2007-2008 N JCL Technology Coordinator


This issue of the Torch:U.S. will be the first of four issues during the 2008–09 school year. Future issues will be in Winter, Spring, and Summer. All copies should be sent to Jacob Welch, NJCL Editor. States and local chapters are encouraged to submit news for publication.

Editorials, reflecting the views of the Torch:U.S. staff, will appear on the Opinion page. Letters to the editor or opinion pieces are welcomed for publication on the Voices pages. Submissions should be sent to the editor for consideration. All letters must be signed and names and addresses or official titles will be used in the publication.

Cover story ideas, reviews of teaching materials, and creative writing submissions are always accepted for consideration. Send these items to Kevin Fu, NJCL Publications Chair.

Advertising in the Torch:U.S. is now being accepted. The rates for JCL members are $4 per column inch, $40 for a quarter page, $70 for a

half page, and $100 for a full page.Advertising rates for non-JCL members are

$12 per column inch, $80 for a quarter page, $140 for a half page, and $200 for a full page.

Advertising deadlines are available from the Publications Chair. Ad copy should be sent to Geri Dutra, National Junior Classical League, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.

Each chapter that has paid dues will receive three copies of the Torch:U.S. One copy is intended for the sponsor, one for the chapter president, and one for the bulletin board or general circulation. Please distribute copies accordingly.

Subscriptions to the Torch:U.S. are not started until the dues are paid during the year. It is strongly suggested that the chapter pay dues as soon as possible. This is the last Torch:U.S. chapters from last year will receive until chapter dues are paid.

Individual subscriptions for chapter members

must be handled through chapter subscriptions when dues are paid. Cost is $8 for the Winter, Spring, and Summer issues. Individual subscriptions for other persons, such as Senior Classical League members, retired teachers, and other interested persons have the following rates: $10 for Winter, Spring, and Summer issues; $12 for all four issues; and $15 for all four issues and four issues of JCL Highlights.

Subscriptions should be sent to the National Junior Classical League, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.

2008–09 Torch:U.S. Guidelines Published

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For Application and Information:

National Latin Exam University of Mary Washington,1301 College Avenue

Fredericksburg,VA 22401website: n email: [emailprotected]

n More than 150,000 registered students in 2008n 40 question multiple choice exam

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$10 minimum order, to be sent with the applicationn N.B. $10 shipping and handling fee per application

n Postmark Deadline for application: January 16, 2009

National Latin exam n since 1977Sponsored by The American Classical League/National Junior Classical League

2009 National Latin Exam

national news

NJCL Publicity Contest Results Announced at Convention Pranish Kantak, 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

The publicity contest quantifies the amount of publicity a local chapter can raise for Classics, Latin, and the Junior Classical League during the academic year. All JCL chapters are eligible to participate regardless of whether or not they send delegates to the NJCL Convention.

The winners of the contest were announced by Mr. Jeremy Walker, Vice-Chair of the committee and the NJCL Public Relations and Membership Chair, at this summer’s NJCL Convention at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

The full results of this year’s contests are as follows:

1 Jay County High School, IN; 2 Midlothian High School, VA; 3 Brownsburg High School, IN; 4 Crown Point High School, IN; 5 Baton Rouge Magnet High School, LA; 6 Madison Central High School, KY; 7 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School, VA; 8 Northside College

Preparatory High School, IL; 9 Woodbridge High School, CA; 10 Gloucester High School, VA; 11 Elwood High School, IN; 12 Upper Dublin High School, PA; 13 Hamilton Southeastern/Fishers, IN; 14 Lakota West High School, OH; 15 Episcopal High School, LA; 16 Princess Anne High School, VA; 17 St. Francis Catholic High School, FL; 18 Flint Hill School, VA; 19 Classical Cottage School, VA; 20 Park Street Collegiate Institute, ON; 21 Lloyd C. Bird High School, VA; 22 Sacopee Valley High School, ME; 23 The Dunham School, LA; 24 The Runnels School, LA; 25 Homestead High School, IN; 26 Catholic High School, LA; 27 Mercy High School, MI; 28 Mt. Vernon High School, IN; 29 Rossview High School, TN; 29 Northeast High School, TN; 30 Banting Memorial High School, ON.

In addition, Mr. Walker announced the

winners in the categories of the Best Newspaper Article and Most Original Publicity. The Best Newspaper Article was awarded to Rossview High School, Tennessee, and Northeast High School, Tennessee. The Most Original Publicity award was presented to Midlothian High School, Virginia.

The top new school entering the publicity contest was Catholic High School in Louisiana.

Finally, Mr. Walker reported the top states in both participation percent and number of entries. The top five states participating by percent of JCL chapters were as follows: 1, Indiana; 2, Ontario; 3, Louisiana; 4, Maine; 5, Virginia.

The top three states participating by number of entries were 1, Indiana; 2, Virginia; 3, Louisiana.

Out with the old...

And in with the new...

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Fall 2008

Summa Cum Laude Sponsors and Maxima Cum Laude Chaperones Jeremy Walker, Public Relations Chair

Every summer the NJCL acknowledges dedicated sponsors with the Summa Cum Laude award. This summer two sponsors were given the award: Clint Hagen of Texas, and Estelle Bayer of Kentucky. This award was established during the 1999-2000 academic year as a means to recognize those sponsors who continually give of themselves to further the goals of the JCL at both the state and national levels. This award, which may be viewed as Master JCL Sponsor recognition, is a token of thanks from the national organization for all the effort that these people have put into JCL over the years.

A sponsor can only win the Summa Cum Laude Award once, and the honor is awarded annually to new classes of sponsors who qualify and are nominated. Nomination forms are available from the Sponsors’ Resources section of the website ( ) or from the NJCL’s Oxford Office at NJCL, 422 Wells Mill Drive, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Nominations may be made by a state chair or by any NJCL sponsor. Self-nominations are acceptable. Those teachers nominated for the class of 2009 must be active

sponsors and teachers during the 2008-2009 school year. National Committee members are not eligible for this award during their terms of office.

On top of the Summa Cum Laude Sponsors’ award, the NJCL announced the winner of the fourth round of the Maxima Cum Laude Chaperone award. This summer the award was presented to Amy Coffman of Texas. This award recognizes the indispensable chaperones, who are the nuts and bolts that allow our national convention to run smoothly. It is NJCL’s way to give thanks to these wonderful people.

A chaperone can only win a Maxima Award once, and the honor is awarded annually to new classes of chaperones who qualify and are nominated. Nomination forms are available on the NJCL website or from the NJCL’s Oxford office.

Nominated individuals must have chaperoned for at least five conventions, must have actively participated in those conventions, and must be present at the 2009 NJCL convention. National Committee members are not eligible for this award during their terms of office. JCL sponsors are not eligible for this award, but should instead

be considered for the Summa Cum Laude award for sponsors.

Amy Coffman of Texas (above). Estelle Bayer of Kentucky and Clint Hagen of Texas (below) .

national news

National Committee ElectionsPranish Kantak, 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

This year three valuable members of the National Committe finished their committee service after long successful careers in which they changed the face of our organization for the better.

Martha Altieri (CA), Chair of the Committee (Mentee: President); Dobbie Vasquez (CA), Graphic Arts Chair (Mentee: Historian); and Jim O'Neil (MA), Technology Chair (Mentee: Technology Coordinator), completed their ten, five, and eleven years respectively in office. However, you cannot get rid of these classical scholars that easily: Mrs. Altieri and Mrs. Vasquez plan to co-chair next year's National Convention at the University of California Davis.

Christine Conklin of Virginia and current constituitional advisor was elected by National Committee memebrs as chair of the committee; William Lee of Texas was elected to the new Communications position; Melissa Burgess of Ohio was elected to the Graphic Arts Chair position; and Sue Robertson of Virginia was elected to be the Convention Advisor.

All Smiles: Newly Elected National Committee Members. From Left: William Lee, Texas

(Communications Chair); Melissa Burgess, Ohio (Graphic Arts Chair); Sue Robertson, Virginia

(Convention Advisor)

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At the NJCL Convention this year, the NJCL scholarship recipients were announced by NJCL Programs/Scholastic Services Chair David Volk. This year’s winners are:

Emily Bertschea graduate of St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, IL, received the Jesse Chambers scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship was established when Miss Chambers retired. Miss Chambers served the NJCL many years as Federations Chairman of the National Junior Classical League.

Susanna Pretzera graduate of Shaker Heights High School in Shaker Heights, OH, received the Belle Gould scholarship of $1,500. Miss Belle Gould was the first editor of the Torch: U.S. She also served for many years as the Chairman of the Committee. This scholarship was established many years before Miss Gould died in 1974.

Debs Schrimmera graduate of Woodbridge High School in Irvine, CA, received the Rhea Miller scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship has been given since 1980 to honor the retirement of Mrs. Miller after many years serving as Convention Advisor to the National Junior Classical League.

Victoria Neumana graduate of Madeira High School in Cincinnati, OH, received the Red & Rhea Miller scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship was established after Mr. and Mrs. Miller presented a generous check to the NJCL at the 1986 NJCL Convention in Indiana. This check was presented to start a scholarship because of their love for JCL.

Christopher Gipsona graduate of Loyola High School in Los Angeles, CA, received the Sr. Jeanette Plante scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship was established in 2002 to the memory of Sr. Jeanette, a past National Committee member and supporter of JCL.

Erik Fredericksona graduate of Flint Hill School in Oakton, VA, received the Maureen O’Donnell scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship was established in 1989 by the Virginia JCL and Pro Scientia in memory of Mrs. O’Donnell for her years of service in the classroom. She was a beloved Latin teacher and VJCL co-chair. She was also dedicated to the Classics and to teaching.

Chelsea Perfecta graduate of C. E. Jordan High School in Durham, NC, received the Margaret & Eugene Halligan scholarship of $1,500. This scholarship is funded by an endowment established by Mrs. Halligan’s husband and in memory of Mrs. Halligan’s devoted service to JCL in Illinois. This scholarship was further endowed by Eileen Halligan Farrell in memory of her brother and sister-in-law.

Dallas Simonsa graduate of Martin Luther King Magnet in Nashville, TN, received the Susan & Dennis Webb scholarship of $2,500. This scholarship was established in 2003, when Mr. and Mrs. Webb made a generous gift to the NJCL. Dennis Webb was the 1969-1970 NJCL President.

Claudia Hochsteina graduate of Barrington High School in Barrington, IL, received the $1,200 Renata Motiu Scholarship. This scholarship was established in honor of Renata Motiu by Arvind Venkat, 1991-1992 NJCL President. Ms. Motiu taught Latin in Michigan for 33 years. A long-time member of the American Classical League and JCL sponsor, she taught two former NJCL national officers.

Lauren Hempsteada graduate of Winter Springs High School in Winter Springs, FL, received the $2,000 Anne B. Covington National Latin Honor Society Scholarship.

Interested?The National Junior Classical

League gives out nine scholarships to qualified NJCL seniors. For more

information, write to Geri Dutra, NJCL Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 after January 1, 2009, or visit Completed applications must be returned by

May 1, 2009. Applications will be screened over the summer and the recipients will be announced at the

2009 NJCL convention.

JCL Awards Scholarships to Ten Students

national news

Several NJCL scholarship winners were present at the national convention.

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Fall 2008

Publications Contest Winners ListedNJCL Editor, Pranish Kantak, announced the winners of the 2007–08 State Publications contest at this summer’s convention.

The winners are: 1 Massachusetts; 2 California; 3 Pennsylvania; 4 Indiana; 5 Tennessee; 6 Virginia; 7 Louisiana.

The winners of the 2007-08 Local Publications contest are: 1 Masters Academy; 2 Crown Point High; 3 St. Xavier School.

Membership Contest Rewards StatesNJCL First Vice President, Brandon Bark, announced the winners of the 2007–08 Membership Contest during the 2008 NJCL Convention.

The winners are: 1 Utah; 2 Georgia; 3 Nevada; 4 Minnesota; 5 Arkansas; 6 Louisiana; 7 Michigan; 8 California; 9 Kentucky; 10 New Hampshire.

This year the JCL honored two of its most dedicated supporters. Susan Marquis, of Missouri, won the Mildred Sterling Award, which was created in 1997

and named for Mildred Sterling, a Latin teacher from Waco, Texas. Mrs. Sterling attended every NJCL Convention from the first one in 1954 all the way up through 1996, and she even attended the 1953 planning meeting for that first convention. The award honors those persons who have attended many NJCL Conventions and who have distinguished themselves with dedication to NJCL during their time here.

Victoria Goodlett, of South Carolina, won the Ed Phinney Book Award, created in 1989 and named after Ed Phinney, a Classics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a former President of the American Classical League. Dr. Phinney’s contributions to classical studies and to the teaching of Latin and Greek were exemplary. This award honors those who have made significant contributions to the NJCL.

Marquis, Goodlett win Mildred Sterling and Ed Phinney Book Awards

NLE Honors Perfect Papers at ConventionIn 2008, more than 149,000 students

applied to take the thirty-first National Latin Exam. Participation in the Exam has increased each year since its inception in 1977, when approximately 6,000 students enrolled. Students from all fifty states participated, as did students from thirteen foreign countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, China Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe. This year for the first time, students from Bulgaria and Mozambique also took the NLE.

During the second week in March, over 135,000 students took the National Latin Exam in their own schools, and it was administered in 16 colleges and 15 elementary schools. 272 home-schools also participated. The total perfect papers this year was 1418, with 14,302 Summa Cum Laudes or gold medals, 16,603, or silver medals, 12,039 Magna Cum Laudes, and 12,720 Cum Laudes, for a total of 55,664 awards out of the 135,362 tests taken.

Susan Marquis (left) receives the Mildred Sterling Award. Victoria Goodlett (right) receives the Ed Phinney Book Award.

Thank you to Martha Altieri , Jim O'Neil , and Dobbie Vasquez for their years of service on the National Committee!

national news

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2008 convention recap

A Selfless Convention: "We Were Not Born For Ourselves Alone," Nationals 2008Pranish Kantak, 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

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Fall 2008convention recap

With one swipe of her flaming hand, the 2007-2008 NJCL

President, Grace..."on fire" Jeong, set loose the inferno that was the 2008 NJCL Convention at the beautiful home of the JCL, Miami University, from July 28th to August 2nd, 2008. Framed by Cicero's famous words, "Non nobis solum nati sumus — we were not born for ourselves alone," this year's convention theme encouraged JCLers to venture out into their communities and make a point to "extend the friendly hand of JCL" whenever possible.

The 2008 Convention was the focal point of most JCLers' activities throughout the year, both academically and artistically. Local and state events throughout the year were constructed to emulate this year's theme and spread Cicero's beliefs. Evidence of Cicero’s convictions could be seen from the 800+ hours of service JCLers contributed this year.

Much of the preparation for this convention was done well before August 28th, 2008. Many JCLers spent their summer practicing certamen, studying flashcards, reading books, and going over Latin grammar preparing for the academic, heavyweight slugfest that is Nationals.

“A month and a half before Nationals, I put myself on an intense study schedule. I made sure to spend at least six hours per night reading and note taking. The sacrifice was well worth the outcome,” Christopher Londa of Massachusetts and the top scorer in Latin Literature and Mythology said. In addition to his success in testing, Londa helped Massachusetts to a second place finish in Upper Level Certamen.

Academic contests were not the only events that required preparation before Convention. All the Graphic Arts projects had to be submitted to the Graphic Arts Chair, Dobbie Vasquez, early in the week for grading. From animated stories of Aeneas’ journey to exciting photographs from all across the country, the

Graphic Arts entrees combined a considerable amount of wit, intellect, and creativity to deliver a smashing showing throughout the week. The Graphic Arts projects were available for viewing.

While pre-convention preparations are enjoyable and important, some unique occurrences can only be found at National

Convention. Fun mixed with the creativity sometimes brought about by academic luster and swagger can be found only at Convention each year. These characteristics framed a busy, memorable week for JCLers around the country; a week in which they competed in numerous events, ranging from nerve-racking academic contests and physically challenging sporting events, to epic certamen duels.

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2008 convention recap

Academically motivated students tackled demanding tests in 16 different areas, spanning from Classical Art to Hellenic History. Most tests, save the daunting Academic Decathlon, split JCLers into levels, allowing them to test their knowledge at an even plane. This year Christopher Husch of California and Evan Draim of Virginia tied for first place in Academics.

The frightening Academic Decathlon, which tests students’ knowledge in 10 areas, is offered only to students at Level III or higher, and eats unwary test-takers for breakfast. The Decathlon is such a vigorous test, that participants must have permission from their Latin teachers to compete. This year, Ketan Ramakrishnan (WI) took home first place, and won a cash prize of $500. For the first year, because of an anonymous donor, the top five places in the Decathlon were awarded a cash prize. 2nd place: Christopher Husch, CA; 3rd place: Jacob Meister, MA; 3rd place: Dallas Simons, TN; 4th place: Emma Leahy, VA; 5th place: James Carroll, MA. 2nd place was awarded $400; 3rd place, $300; 4th place, $200; and 5th place, $100.

For students who wanted an academically challenging task, just without scantrons and pencils, Certamen was a perfect option. Certamen is a Jeopardy-style game, in which teams of four compete against each other in a race to answer 20 challenging questions, spanning from Latin grammar to Roman Mythology. Each question is also

accompanied by a bonus question, answered by the entire team.

This year the first place teams in all levels demonstrated incredible poise and class in capturing their victories. “The competition this year was unbelievable. Throughout the contest everyone played with such style and flair; it really made Certamen an enjoyable experience for me this year,” Dallas Simons, part of Tennessee’s fourth place team said.

The Novice first place team hailed from Massachusetts. Team members: Derek Booth; Eda Kaceli; Edward Kleiner; and Patrick Londa. The Intermediate first place team resides in Florida. Team members: Lynn Killea; Sam Leach; Jane Darby Menton; Gabriel Molina; and Alvin Wang. The Advanced first place team is from Virginia. Every year the winning team in the Advanced level is awarded the Maureen O’Donnell Traveling Trophy and a $500 cash prize. Team members: Erik Friedrickson; Emma Leahy; Imran Husain; and Michael Velchick. Congratulations to all who participated.

This year, by the virtue of our anonymous donor, the winner of each level will now receive a brand new certamen machine. Also, the Certamen MVP award will now be expanded to all three levels instead of just the Advanced Level. That is, there will now be an MVP for each separate level of certamen. Similarly, in Open Certamen, delegates were given the chance to compete in a much more laid back atmosphere while still maintaining

the main ideals of competitive certamen. The Novice first place team consisted of Amanda Evans (FL) and Emily Skrutskie (VA); the Intermediate first place team consisted of Richard Dietz (TX), Erin Malone (FL), Steven Roberts (TN), and Cory Temple (NC); the Advanced first place team consisted of Marcinina Alvaran (IL), Melissa Freilich (OH), and Nathan Shippee (WI).

Last year at Convention, a new type of Certamen was added to the field of events. It’s called the World Series of Certamen (WSOC) and contestants consist of SCL members, sponsors, and chaperones. It allows JCLers to sit back, and watch the adults battle it out for the acclaimed “Schearer Stick,” the traveling trophy of WSOC. While the competitions may not be as fierce as Competitive Certamen, or even Open Certamen, WSOC is still an entertaining competition. This year the Texas team Cornua Longa (The Longhorns) took home the Susan Schearer pogo-stick and WSOC t-shirts.

For students who prefer to compete in athletic events rather than academic events, Ludi and Olympika are perfect. The competitions were intense this year as individual and state teams fought against each other in many athletic competitions, including swimming , soccer, basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, and others. Although the competitions were fierce, all the JCLers displayed proper sportsmanship towards both their fellow competitors and their SCL

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Fall 2008convention recap

Elections 2008. This is not November 2008, this is July 2008, a much more anticipated time of year, the time for NJCL elections. 11 candidates sought to fill eight spots on the 2008-2009 NJCL Executive Board. While their campaign methods and strategies may have been more elementary than those used by Barack or John, these candidates proved they could "sell" themselves to the public. In the end, only eight of these proven candidates would have the honor to serve the NJCL on the 2008-2009 Executive Board.

In the Nominations Committee meeting, candidates are approved by the states' voting delegates. Each office on the executive board had either one or two candidates, hence there was no state of emergency and no need to limit candidates from running. The voting delegates approved the following candidates: Brandon Bark (LA) for President; Shilpa Apte (ND) and Tacy Allen (MI) for First Vice-President; Sherelle Wu (IL) and Brad Abplanalp (IN) for Second Vice-President; Quinn Stewart (CA) for Secretary; Elizabeth Hur (WI) for Parliamentarian; Amanda Haislip (VA) and Angel Bernadas (TX) for Historian; Jacob Welch (KY) for Editor; and Paula Luong (MA) for Technology Coordinator. Delegates had the opportunity to meet with the candidates during the Meet the Candidates at the Bazaar on Wednesday before the candidates addressed the convention attendees at Wednesday’s general assembly. Finally, they answered delegates’ questions at the Candidates’ Open Forum on Thursday, a few hours before state fellowship and voting. States then met for an afternoon fellowship to decide who would lead the NJCL into the 2008-2009 year.

The 2008-2009 NJCL Executive Board is as follows: Brandon Bark, President; Shilpa Apte, First Vice-President; Sherelle Wu, Second Vice-President; Quinn Stewart, Secretary; Elizabeth Hur, Parliamentarian; Amanda Haislip, Historian; Jacob Welch, Editor; and Paula Luong, Technology Coordinator.

referees. This year we were graced with beautiful weather to pursue these activities and JCLers took advantage, with record attendances at most of the events. Overall it was a very successful year.

A NJCL Convention can never be completed without wild spirit each day. It is just not the identity of the JCL. Spirit takes center stage during the 15 minutes preceding GA's 2, 3, and 4. As always, daily spirit themes played essential roles in determining a state's plan for spirit. This year’s themes played off of many distinct Ohio celebrities and features. “One small step…,” “Purple and Corn,” and “Hometown Heroes,” allowed JCLers to let their hair down and show their creative side. This year the overall state spirit winners were as follows: Small, Kansas; Medium, Wisconsin; and Large, Virginia.

“Spirit this year was amazing! Seeing it on stage for the first time was breathtaking; I’ve never seen such enthusiasm and energy,” Noah Ford Dunker, of North Dakota, said.

This year’s Convention was different from many of the others. It was at the home of JCL, the schedule was changed slightly, and the dining hall assignments were changed. Despite these changes, the enthusiasm of each JCL delegate created an amazing bond of friendship between each other, making this year a memorable convention.

This convention would not have been possible without the grit and sweat of several individuals. Special thanks should go out to the NJCL Officers, National Committee, SCL, Miami University staff, Ohio delegation, and every single one of the JCL delegates who attended this year’s 55th NJCL Convention. Thank you for making this a memorable convention for all! See all of you next year at the beautiful University of California Davis, with the theme of “fortuna nobis vi animi tantum frenabitur — the level of our success is limited only by our imaginations (Aesop)." Hopefully we can take Aesop’s wise words to heart leave our imaginations behind and discover the level of our success. See all of you next year!

Overal l Spir it Winners Small: Kansas

Medium: Wisconsin

Large: Virginia

Decisions 2008 Pranish K antak , 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

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2008 convention recap

This year’s NJCL Convention at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, was extremely busy and would not have been such a success without the rarely credited Senior Classical League. The SCL holds auditions and performs skits for That’s Entertainment, and are also responsible for Ludi and Olympika, while sacrificing much-needed sleep to produce the Convention Ear. With sarcasm, caffeine, and wit, the SCL takes care of the responsibilities beyond the realm of the NJCL Officers. They are what make the JCL experience that much more extraordinary, and an infinite amount of thanks should be given out in honor of the SCL, without whom the convention would not have reached its full potential.

Additionally, the SCL held their own General Assemblies, officer elections, and fundraised for a scholarship, obtaining money by selling themselves in Rent-a-Roman or collecting donations outside That’s Entertainment. All their proceeds aid SCL members with majors in the Classics. SCL definitely embodied the spirit of this year’s theme, “Non nobis solum nati sumus — We are not born for ourselves alone.” Please welcome the 2008-2009 NSCL Officers: President Zachary Fenno, Brown University; Vice-President Collette Forcier, University of Iowa; Secretary Caitlin Johnston, Indiana University; Treasurer Abbey Peters, Wooster College; Parliamentarian Jon Survant, Kentucky Wesleyan; Editor Alex Hemsley, Syracuse University; and Historian Tyler Lloyd, University of Louisville. Farewell to the outgoing 2007-2008 NSCL Officers: President Tyler Cunnion, Villanova University; Vice President Carolyn Troha, The College of William and Mary; Secretary Zachary Fenno, Brown University; Treasurer Paul De, University of Virginia; Parliamentarian Chris Warrington, Jones College and Rice University; Historian Allyson Eidson, Virginia Commonwealth University; and Editor Caitlin Johnston, Indiana University.

National Senior Classical LeagueJacob Welch, 2008-2009 NJCL Editor

Made Some New Friends at

Convention?Meet your convention

friends on the NJCL Online Forum at The online forum is the fastest way to locate lost JCL friends!

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Fall 2008

Every year at convention, the SCL hosts a talent competition called That’s Entertainment. After many auditions, seventeen acts earned the right to perform, and the rest of JCL eagerly awaited a strong display of talent. From swing dancing to Bengali singing, the following students entertained us with their talents: Sai Sawicki (OH), Sarahbeth Stretcher (OH), Carson Graham (FL), Alex Vankooy, Nicholas Layman, Justin Baode, Joseph Traum (NJ), James Chang (FL), Malika Dickson (MA), Nora Hyde, Erin Schmidt (ND), Joseph Marx (KS), Casey Marek (NV), Irteza Binti-Farid (VA), Brendon Walsh (TX), Ashley Shonyo (TX), Joy Walls (AL), Jennifer Friedman, Jonathon Kittaka (IL), Jocelyn Bauman (ND), Noah Ford-Dunker, Ethan Kraft, Sam Wehri (ND), and Joseph Deluna & Crew (FL).

First place was awarded to James Chang (FL), who performed Chopin on piano. Sarabeth Stretcher (OH) won second place with an Irish dance. With a contemporary dance, Casey Marek (NV) placed third, and this year an honorable mention was given to Joseph Deluna & Crew (FL), who performed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” All performances contributed to an excellent show.

It is tradition for SCL to perform skits between acts to entertain JCLers with their wit and humor; highlighted by 2008-2009 NSCL President Zach Fenno as “Rainbow,” SCLers made a spoof of American Gladiators. NJCL officers also performed a skit in which they competed in a pageant with the winner being newly elected NJCL President Brandon Bark. Ending the show with a bang, the Racketeers appeared for their 24th time in That’s Entertainment. This year’s show proved to be nothing less that spectacular, and the memories will never be forgotten.

convention recap

Now THAT'S ENTERTAINMENTJacob Welch, 2008-2009 NJCL Editor

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Throughout the years Competitive

Certamen has earned its "bones" as being

one of the most difficult and thrilling

activities at Nationals. After five breath-

taking rounds, Erik Frederickson, Imran

Husain, Emma Leahy, and Michael

Velchick from Virginia were the winners

of the Advanced Division — claiming

the Maureen O’Donnell traveling

trophy and a $500 cash prize.

2008 NJCL Advanced Level Certamen Winners: Virginia

Mass. takes Novice Level, Florida Intermediate, Virginia AdvancedPranish Kantak, 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

convention recap

Maureen O'Donnell Traveling Certamen Trophy

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Fall 2008certamen

Florida wins top place in the intermediate level of Certamen (top) and Massachusetts takes the novice level of Certamen (bottom).

This year’s top teams in Competitive Certamen are:Advanced

1 Emma Leahy, VA; Erik Fredericksen, VA; Imran Husain, VA; Michael Velchik, VA; 2 Christopher Londa, MA; James Carroll, MA; Jacob Meister, MA; Dylan Drolette, MA; 3 Thess Dobbs, WI; Jordan Kodner, WI; Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 4 Sarah Best, TN; Ann Herndon, TN; Sam Marinelli, TN; Cody Simons, TN; Dallas Simons, TN; 5 Matthew Byrd, FL; William Doran, FL; Jose Molina, FL; Ben VanGelder, FL; Forrest Whitehouse, FL.

Intermediate1 Lynn Killea, FL; Sam Leach, FL; Jane Darby Menton, FL; Gabriel Molina,

FL; Alvin Wang, FL; 2 Logan Nagel, OH; Nathan Patterson, OH; Paul Slater, OH; Megan Whitacre, OH; 3 Aubrey Geyer, VA; Ratna Gill, VA; Taylor Johnson, VA; Kelly Lawyer, VA; 4 Kirstin Adkison, TX; Madeleine Bousquet, TX; Patrick Grayson, TX; Nalin Ratnayeke, TX; 5 Hannah Park, TN; Carl Pattison, TN; Kannan Raju, TN; Helen Shi, TN.

Novice1 Derek booth, MA; Eda Kaceli, MA; Edward Kleiner, MA; Patrick Londa,

MA; 2 Graydon Daubert, TX; Ryan Jones, TX; Naveen Kemraj, TX; Keven Liu, TX; Andrew Margrave, TX; Maggie Thimons, TX; 3 Kade Needham, FL; Josh Pincus, FL; Henry Schott, FL; Bradford Sherman, FL; David Stupski,

FL; India Watkins, FL; 4 Sasha Cottle, VA; Blaine Cytryn, VA; Evan Draim, VA; Phillip Murphy, VA; 5 Meaghan Carley, IL; Jeffrey Joseph, IL; Michael Loftus, IL; Mary Mussman, IL.

Open Certamen is played with teams of mixed states. The top winners in Open Certamen are as follows:Novice:

1 Amanda Evans, FL; Emily Skrutskie, VA; 2 Michael Curran, TX; Jackson Myers, TN; Rick Shaffer, FL; Paige Stecklair, NJ; 3 Aditya Gudibanda, TN; Ashley Johns, OH.

Intermediate1 Richard Dietz, TX; Erin Malone, FL; Steven Roberts, TN; Cory Temple,

NC; 2 Nicole Frank, NJ; Mimiam Rabinowitz, OH; Jacob Schafer, TN; Diana Zheng, FL; 3 Dennis Aviles, VA; Melanie Keating, IL; Megan Thompson, WA; Abbey Witzgall, OH.

Advanced1 Marcinina Alvaran, IL; Melissa Freilich, OH; Nathan Shippee, WI; 2

Jenna Gaska, TX; Michael Howard, MA; Ruoqi Wang, TX; 3 Caroline Beck, TX; Robert Cail, OK; Michael Carpenter, FL; Yasir Malik, IN.

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2008 overall achievement

When standing in a General Assembly at National Convention, first time attendees may be caught off guard when delegates start shouting the six essential phrases at the end of the creed that best exemplify the spirit of JCL. However, JCLers across the nation take these ideals to heart, especially the part of JCL reminding delegates that JCL "encourages competition." After all, JCL is an organization comprised of champions who thrive off of competitions. Thus, it would make sense that JCL takes time to honor those champions who go above the call of duty. That's where the Lilie B. Hamilton Award comes into play.

This award recognizes students with the most sweepstakes points at convention by placing in at least three of five contest categories: academics, competitive certamen, creative arts, graphic arts and Olympika. The award is named for Lillie B. Hamilton, a retired sponsor and former national committee member from Union City, GA. She had been very helpful in the Convention Contest office for many years and remains an active member of the retired sponsors group, SPQR. The winners of the Lillie B. Hamilton awards this year are 1. Emma Leahy (VA); 2. Dallas Simons (TN), 3. Rebekah Rust (NC), 4. Evan Draim (VA), 5. Jacob Meister (MA).

Competitors get sweepstakes points for every first through fifth place ribbon they receive. The top ten winners in each category earn medals, along with the top ten overall winners. The overall sweepstakes winners are as follows: 1. Emma Leahy (VA); 2. Dallas Simons (TN), 3. Rebekah Rust (NC), 4. Evan Draim (VA), 5. Christopher Husch (CA), 6. Jacob Meister (MA), 7. Sarah Rust (NC), 8. Grace Thomas (MA); 9. David Mahin (OH); 10. Ketan Ramakrishnan (WI); 10. Cody Simons (TN)

Evan Draim (VA) and Christopher Husch (CA) tied for first

place in academics; Ingrid Heidelberger, (VA) in creative arts; Rebekah Rust (NC) in graphic arts; and Dallas Simons (TN) in Olympika.

Another great honor is placing on the Academic Decathlon exam, which tests students’ knowledge in ten subject areas with obscure and difficult questions. This year there were two winners. Winning first prize, Ketan Ramakrishnan (WI), received a $500 cash prize to reward his outstanding accomplishment. This year the NJCL received a generous contribution from an anonymous donor, allowing the top 5 place winners in the Academic Decathalon to receive a cash prize. 2nd place-$400; 3rd place- $300; 4th place- $200; 5th place- $100. The NJCL would like to express its gratitude to our anonymous donor. Thank you!

The other top placers on this exam are: 2 Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Jacob Meister, MA; 3 Dallas Simons, TN; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 James Carroll, MA.

Leahy, Ramakirshnan Take Top Achievement AwardPranish Kantak, 2007-2008 NJCL Editor

Academic Decathalon Winners (top). Several students were presented with the Lillie B. Hamilton sweepstakes award (below).

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Fall 2008

This summer, four friends of JCL were recognized for their longtime dedication to the Junior Classical League and their attendance at NJCL Convention.

During General Assemblies,Estelle Bayer, Debbie Brooks, Larry Martin, Aurelia Ogles, Chris Sloan, and Dobbie Vasquez received silver bowls commemorating their twentieth National Convention.

Other long-time Convention attendees were:48 years: Susan Schearer (VA)47 years: Denny Bartlow (IN)42 years: Robert Harper (TN)41 years: Grady Warren (TN)39 years: Nancy Howell (TN), Kaye Warren

(TN)34 years: Mary Jane Bickley (TX), Susan

Marquis (MO), Ron Folds (GA)33 years: Judith Hahn (FL)31 years: Jim Greenwald (WI), Sue Robertson

(VA)30 years: Sherwin Little (OH), Jim O’Neil

(MA)27 years: Ed Long (TN), Laura Long (TN)26 years: Nancy Allen (FL), Meg Cook (ME),

Cathy Sturgill (FL)25 years: Tony Martin (IN), Jeff co*ker (FL)24 years: Penny Cipolone (NJ), Geri Dutra

(OH), Kathy Elifrits (KY), Stephen Tackett (TN), Randy Thompson (TX)

23 years: Verla Hall (ONT), Mary McBride (ONT), Leslie Perkins (FL), Sandy Sherman (WY)

22 years: Mike Bennett (MO), Steve Gentle (OH)

21 years: Margaret Pomfrey (VA)20 years: Estelle Bayer (KY), Debbie Brooks

(VA), Larry Martin (TX), Aurelia Ogles (FL), Chris Sloan (TN), Dobbie Vasquez (CA)

19 years: Christine Conklin (VA), Amy Elifrits (OH), Brenda Pearson (TX), Thomas Reed (VA)

18 years: Martha Altieri (CA), Kevin Fu (MA), Delilah Shotts (MO)

17 years: David Volk (ND)16 years: Lois Ann Bower (FL), Brian

Compton (OH), Clint Hagen (TX), William Lee (TX), Joann Polito (WI), Shannon Sloan (TN), Cameron Ward (GA)

15 years: John Hawley (CA), Betty Ivich (OK), Mark Matthews (TX), James Pezzulo (CT)

14 years: Ken Andino (FL), Donald Ashman (CA), Suzanne Clizer (MO), Laurie Covington (VA), Janet Fillion (MA), Jennifer Jordt (IL), Maria Marable (TN)

13 years: Melissa Burgess (OH), Marie Girardeau (FL), Peggie Murray (NC), Shannon O’Neill (FL), Sara Radosevich (IN), Rachel Ritchie (OH), Dennis Webb (LA)

12 years: Steven Haag (OH), Amy Hornick (FL), Shawn Jennings (TX), David Johnson (TN), Emly Jusino (VA), Susan Miller (MI), Kendal Ogles (AL), Kyle Smith (CA)

11 years: Robert Brooks (VA), Larry Dean (OH), Irina Greenman (VA), Jennie Luongo (TX), Paul Properzio (MA), Sam Sherman (WY), Jeremy Walker (IN)

10 years: Doug Adams (TX), Howard Chang (VA), Martha Jusino (VA), Seth Knowles (ME), Miranda Mathis (TX), Adam Williams (TX)

9 years: Carin Allen (MO), Victoria Goodlett (SC), Welby Griffin (VA), Brandy Henricks (IL), Greg Kfoury (VA), Dina Kincaid (OK), Meghan Robertson (VA), Dabbs Woodfin (TX)

8 years: Amy Chifici (KY), Austin Chu (TN), Bari Clements (KY), Ed Corman (OH), Kevin Cox (MA), Samuel Crayton (FL), Tyler Cunnion (NJ), Sarah Elmore (OH), William Eschenbacher (OH), Nicole Fegeas (VA), Allison Grubbs (OH), Kate Hattemer (OH), Linda Hemelgarn (IN), Tulisha Jackman (TN), Zachary Kling (OH), Mary Jane Koons (PA), Ryan Manning (MA), Cindy Ong (TX), Martha Pearlman (NJ), Leslie Peebles (FL), Sara Peebles (FL), Ann Prokopchak (VA), Gale Stone (WI), Ilona Thompson (CA)

7 years: Carey Dillinger (FL), Zachary Fenno (ND), Andrew Gowdy (LA), Danny Hunt (SC), Marjorie Keeley (MA), Kelly Kusch (KY), Stephen

Lawson (FL), Aaron Markowitz (OH), Lisanne Marshall (IN), Tait Pollard (FL), Andrew Rist (TX), Mike Williams (TN)

6 years: Amy Coffman-Martin (TX), Brian Compton (OH), Chris Condrad (IL), William Doran (FL), Erik Fredericksen (VA), Alexandra French (TN), Sierra Garrett (FL), Karyn Greene (MA), Laura Hudec (TX), Ben Johnson (ME), Will Ladnier (TN), Emma Leahy (VA), Kyle Lovett (OH), Shibani Mehta (CA), Alyssa Pierce (TN), Audree Riddle (OH), Jeffrey Satriano (FL), Roland Solinski (IL), Ruchi Srivastava (CA), Greg Stemm (WI), Michael Velchik (VA), Sherelle Wu (IL)


Long Time Attendees Receive Silver Bowls

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Overall Sweepstakes: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Evan Draim, VA; 5 Christopher Husch, CA; 6 Jacob Meister, MA; 7 Sarah Rust, NC; 8 Grace Thomas, MA; 9 David Mahin, OH; 10 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; Cody Simons, TN;

Academics: 1 Evan Draim, VA; Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 4 Jacob Meister, MA; 5 Andrew Margrave, TX; 6 Naveen Kemraj, TX; Emma Leahy, VA; 7 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 8 Sarah Best, TN; 9 Derek Booth, MA; Matthew Byrd, FL; Jose Molina, FL; Carl Pattison, TN; 10 Graydon Daubert, TX;

Creative Arts: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Mary Mussman, IL; 4 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 5 Zachary Hall, MA; 6 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 7 John Grimm, OH; 8 Harold Jaffe, IL; Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; Andrew McCaffrey, OH; Leaha Wynn, GA; 9 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; Allison Killea, FL; Amy Lin, CA; Jacob Meister, MA; Ryan Reynolds, CA; 10 Jenny Chen, PA; Elizabeth Szymanski, IN;

Graphic Arts: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 David Mahin, OH; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 7 Taryn Willett, OH; 8 Meredith Barnes, OH; 9 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 10 Sarah co*ker, VA;

Olympika: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Spencer Sartain, TN; 4 Kirsten Gardley, TX; Anna Parks, IL; 5 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 6 John Deis, KY; Ethan Hoksch, ME; 7 Eugina White, LA; 8 Rachel Baumann, ND; Ryan Jones, TX; 9 Chase Riddle, IL; 10 Mary Mussman, IL; Cody Simons, TN;

Lillie B. Hamilton Award: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Evan Draim, VA; 5 Jacob Meister, MA;

Greek Derivatives1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Carson Graham, FL; Cameron Osborn, TX; Henry Schott, FL; 3

Catherine Bousquet, TX; Amanda Evans, FL; Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Josh Pincus, FL; 5 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; 6 Malena Mastel, ND; 7 Carolyn Williams, AL; 8 Allison Killea, FL; 9 Katrina Rudisel, ND; 10 John Henning, FL;

I: 1 Megan Wu, TN; 2 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 3 Meaghan Carley, IL; Dominic Delgado, TX; Edward Kleiner, MA; Tom Zhang, IN; 4 Nicholas Rouse, TN; 5 Anna Delamerced, OH; 6 Jeffrey Hochstein, IL; Safeeyah Quereshi, WI; 7 Matthew McNally, OH; 8 Phillip Murphy, VA; Mary Mussman, IL; Bosi Zhang, IN; 9 Da Huang, TX; 10 Joseph Deharde, TN; Andrew Margrave, TX;

II: 1 Adam Richter, TX; 2 Maurice Boetger, FL; 3 Amy Amornmarn, FL; Melanie Keating, IL; 4 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 5 Kyle Goryl, WI; 6 Deborah Boyett, TX; Kelly Schmidt, OH; 7 Lynn Killea, FL; 8 Aubrey Geyer, VA; Bridget Illing, IL; Sam Leach, FL; 9 Kristen Hagen, FL; 10 Frank Miller, VA;

III: 1 James Chang, FL; 2 Curtis Feronti, TX; Tina Ng, FL; 3 Irteza Binte-Farid, VA; 4 Derion Givens, TN; Sarah Leonard, OH; 5 Rebekah Rust, NC; 6 Kenneson Chen, VA; Jacob Gruber, IL; Mary Moroney, LA; 7 Michael Carpenter, FL; 8 Cody Simons, TN; 9 Joshua Pan, VA; 10 Patrick Hunger, CO;

IV: 1 Kathleen Wade, FL; 2 Michael Cowett, OH; 3 Matthew Byrd, FL; Jacob Meister, MA; 4 Harold Jaffe, IL; 5 Ben Lee, OH; John Mussman, IL; 6 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 7 Lauren Johnson, TX; Angela Lin, TX; Jonathan Massey, KY; 8 Ben Jewell, ME; 9 Michael Daugherty, KY; Christopher Londa, MA; Julie Zauzmer, PA; 10 Elizabeth Creager, MI;

V+: 1 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 2 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 3 Christopher Husch, CA; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 Dallas Simons, TN; 6 Michael Velchik, VA; 7 Tori Neuman, OH; 8 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 9 Leaha Wynn, GA; 10 Claudia Hochstein, IL; Lyndsey Moulds, TX;

Greek Life and Literature1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 3 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Amanda Evans, FL; 5 Carson

Graham, FL; 6 Graham Pilotte, KY; 7 John Henning, FL; 8 Allison Killea, FL; 9 Christina Lauck, OH; Charlie Rock, CA; 10 Josh Pincus, FL; Gus Schiff, CA;

I: 1 Micah Valliere, ME; 2 Tyler Schulze, TX; 3 Graydon Daubert, TX; 4 Andrew Margrave, TX; 5 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 6 Ashton Murphy, TX; 7 Nicholas Rouse, TN; 8 Claire Niemann, VA; 9 Christian Dittmeir, TX; 10 Derek Booth, MA; Edward Kleiner, MA; Patrick Londa, MA;

II: 1 Brandon Shaw, TX; 2 Madeleine Bousquet, TX; 3 Carl Pattison, TN; 4 Patrick Shirley, WI; 5 Melanie Keating, IL; 6 Dillon Crockett, NC; 7 Megan Thompson, WA; 8 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 9 Julia Huth, GA; 10 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL;

III: 1 Curtis Feronti, TX; 2 Cody Simons, TN; 3 Robert Waguespack, TX; 4 Adam Berndt, ND; 5 Rebekah Rust, NC; 6 Kenneson Chen, VA; 7 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; 8 John Calhoun, GA; Alex Combs, NC; Jordan Kodner, WI; Robert Palmer, TN; 9 Rachel Rust, NC; 10 Sarah Nottey, FL;

IV: 1 Matthew Byrd, FL; Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Kathleen Wade, FL; 3 Lauren Hempstead, FL; 4 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 5 Christopher Londa, MA; 6 Corey Philipp, TX; 7 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 8 Gene Rodrick, FL; 9 Joseph Engel, ND; Ann Herndon, TN; 10 Spencer Rosenfeld, IL;

V+: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 Ashten Mays, FL; 5 Michael Velchik, VA; 6 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 7 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 8 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 9 Paul Huang, FL; 10 Ben Cassin, LA;

Hellenic History1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; 3 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 5

Allison Killea, FL; Sydney Padula, IL; Josh Pincus, FL; Henry Schott, FL; Candace Williams, AL; 6 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 7 Matthew Harper, TN; Gus Schiff, CA; 8 Hyejin Roh, FL; 9 Amanda Evans, FL; Megan Funk, OH; 10 John Henning, FL; Lucas Marsiske, FL; Maggie O’Hara, IL; Joy Walls, AL;

I: 1 Tyler Schulze, TX; 2 Andrew Margrave, TX; 3 Bradford Sherman, FL; 4 Sasha Cottle, VA; 5 Graydon Daubert, TX; Edward Kleiner, MA; Nicholas Rouse, TN; 6 Muhammad Chohan, VA; 7 Rick Schaffer, FL; Emily Skrutskie, VA; 8 Blaine Cytryn, VA; 9 Daniel Jamieson, WI; Claire Niemann, VA; Katelyn Schultz, VA; 10 Yuval Dekel, GA; Eli Goldstein, TN; Sinead Lopez, NV;

II: 1 Ting-Ting Gwo, TX; 2 Carl Pattison, TN; 3 Maurice Boetger, FL; 4 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 5 David Warrington, VA; 6 Patrick Shirley, WI; 7 Gabriel Molina, FL; 8 Eric Powell, OH; 9 Dillon Crockett, NC; 10 Julia Huth, GA;

III: 1 Curtis Feronti, TX; 2 Thomas Blevins, FL; Cody Simons, TN; 3 Connor Harrison, FL; 4 Rebekah Rust, NC; 5 Taylor Brown, FL; 6 Adam Berndt, ND; 7 Dylan Drolette, MA; 8 Christopher Cochran, LA; Anne Marie Creighton, VA; 9 Derek Oesterheld, VA; 10 Tony Baker, CA;

IV: 1 Matthew Byrd, FL; 2 Corey Philipp, TX; 3 David Herman, VA; 4 Jared Hicks, MA; 5 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 6 Geoff Rock, CA; 7 Joseph Engel, ND; Ann Herndon, TN; 8 Jake Garner, OH; 9 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 10 David Knott, TX; Klara Nichter, KY;

V+: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Dallas Simons, TN; 4 Michael Velchik, VA; 5 Jay DeLano, VA; 6 David Maynor, TX; 7 William Doran, FL; 8 Ezra Neal, TX; 9 Grace Caudle, VA; John Everett, NV;

Reading Comprehension 1/2 & 11/2: 1 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; 2 Carson Graham, FL; Isaiah Spinney, VA; 3 Evan Draim, VA;

Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Aditya Gudibanda, TN; Sarah Shahawy, FL; 5 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 6 Maria Cascio, VA; Amanda Evans, FL; Jackson Myers, TN; Henry Schott, FL; 7 Wilmer Davis III, WY; Allison Killea, FL; 8 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 9 Matthew Harper, TN; David Heaton, VA; 10 John Henning, FL; Regina Merrill, OH;

I: 1 Kaitlin Clark, TX; Phillip Murphy, VA; 2 Derek Booth, MA; Meaghan Carley, IL; 3 Ian Ramsey, MO; 4 Ngan Do, TX; Mary Mussman, IL; 5 Jason Benoit, TX; Terry Conlon, OH; Dominic Delgado, TX; Da Huang, TX; Julianne Humphreys, FL; 6 Mari Huffman, TX; Andrew Margrave, TX; Winfield Miller, VA; Kade Needham, FL; Safeeyah Quereshi, WI; Fiona Sappenfield, TN; 7 Sasha Cottle, VA; Graydon Daubert, TX; Mary Frey, MO; Edward Kleiner, MA; Vikas Kottamasu, GA; Shalom Rottman-Yang, TN; Emily Skrutskie, VA; 8 Rebecca Bakal, IL; Kendra Chalkley, WY; Ryan Jones, TX; Tom Zhang, IN; 9 Nicole Bray, WI; Jake Finan, NJ; Eli Goldstein, TN; Jeffrey Joseph, IL; Michael Loftus, IL; 10 Austin Farley, KY; Drew Herrmann, IN; Jeffrey Hochstein, IL; Maggie Thimons, TX; India Watkins, FL;

Reading Comprehension: Level 2II: 1 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 2 Jacob Guerra, TX; Adam Richter, TX; 3 Julie Chang, TX; Aubrey Geyer,

VA; Anna Parks, IL; Matthew Shanahan, IL; 4 Sam Leach, FL; Jacob Schafer, TN; Diana Zheng, FL; 5 Michael Burton, TX; Ratna Gill, VA; Tony Lee, GA; Jane Darby Menton, FL; Ashwin Raja, VA; Nalin Ratnayeke, TX; Megan Whitacre, OH; 6 Nissa Cheng, CA; Leo Golod, CA; 7 Melissa Dombek, IL; Lynn Killea, FL; Ryan Reynolds, CA; Mason Soun, TN; 8 Paul Ahn, GA; Trey Duplantis, LA; Patrick Grayson, TX; Daniel Phelps, MA; Elizabeth Szymanski, IN; Amy Zhou, IL; 9 Arun Kumar, GA; Amy Lin, CA; Gabriel Molina, FL; Hannah Park, TN; Kannan Raju, TN; Alexandra Rojek, IL; Philip Rosen, TX; Paul Slater, OH; Martha Templeton, VA; Grace Thomas, MA; David Warrington, VA; 10 Terra Calamari, IL; Miriam Rabinowitz, OH; Erin Schmidt, ND; Helen Shi, TN; Mara Steven, WI; Cory Temple, NC;

Reading Comprehension: ProseIII: 1 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 2 Christina Arnon, CA; Jenny Chen, PA; Derion Givens, TN;

3 Sarah Best, TN; Shijia Liu, TX; Mason Osborn, TX; 4 Matthew Miller, TX; 5 Jacob Gruber, IL; Jordan Kodner, WI; Mary Moroney, LA; Watson Reed, TN; Quinn Stewart, CA; 6 James Chang, FL; Christopher Cochran, LA; Sean Connolly, KY; Anne Marie Creighton, VA; Tom Xu, MA; 7 Will Brackenbury, OH; Julia Liken, TX; 8 Amith Ananthram, VA; Gary Baker, FL; John Grimm, OH; Olga Neyman, GA; Ethan Rosenblum, FL; Maya Wei, VA; 9 Kenneson Chen, VA; Christopher Kilgore, VA; Jonathan Kittaka, IL; Joseph Marx, KS; Robert Palmer, TN; Austin Smith, TX; 10 Jeffrey Cooper, VA; Jennifer Friedmann, IL;

IV: 1 Alexander Poniecki, IL; Julie Zauzmer, PA; 2 Michael Cowett, OH; Harold Jaffe, IL; Christopher Londa, MA; Mark Nesbitt, OH; 3 Marcinina Alvaran, IL; Stephanie Cruz, TX; Thess Dobbs, WI; John Mussman, IL; Robert Palmer, FL; Jonathan Wang, FL; 4 Abhinav Golla, TX; Ben VanGelder, FL; 5 Laura Briscoe, GA; Kyle Markwalter, VA; Ian McLean, OH; Jacob Meister, MA; Ian Morrison, TX; Collin

academic resultsacademic results

Digital Scrapbook, State Chapters: 1. Wisconsin, 2. Texas, 3. Tennessee

Paper Scrapbook, State Chapters: 1. Massachusetts, 2. Virginia, 3. North Carolina.

State Scrapbook Contest Winners

Academic Contest Winners Named

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Fall 2008

Sibley, VA; Natasha Thondavadi, IL; 6 William Czaplyski, VA; Imran Husain, VA; Angela Lin, TX; Rachel Robison, FL; Adam Swiatlowski, IL; Christina Wallin, VA; 7 Richard Fink, TX; Erin Shanahan, IL; 8 Amit Singh, WI; 9 Sai Sawicki, OH; 10 Adjani Delgado, TX; Kenny Puk, GA; Laura Sroka, FL;

V+: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 3 Michael Velchik, VA; 4 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; Erik Fredericksen, VA; Sam Marinelli, TN; 5 Emma Leahy, VA; Philip Swanger, TX; 6 James Carroll, MA; John Johnson, TN; 7 Ruchi Srivastava, CA; 8 Erin Curfman, MO; Claudia Hochstein, IL; Crystal Luttrell, VA; 9 Leighanne McGill, FL; 10 Kiran Rao, TX;

Reading Comprehension: PoetryIII: 1 Jose Molina, FL; 2 Maya Wei, VA; 3 Sean Connolly, KY; Sara Huebschen, WI; 4 Jennifer

Friedmann, IL; 5 Katherine Keilman, IN; 6 Olga Neyman, GA; Ethan Rosenblum, FL; 7 Derion Givens, TN; Sarah Leonard, OH; Mason Osborn, TX; Mary Lee Ptacek, MO; Jessica Yeung, FL; 8 Kenneson Chen, VA; Lindsay Heisler, OH; Tina Ng, FL; Yusuf Quereshi, WI; Kimberly Read, TX; Wesley Wood, IN; 9 Matt Brennan, IL; Christopher Kilgore, VA; Julia Liken, TX; Shijia Liu, TX; 10 Michael Carpenter, FL; Joseph Marx, KS; Ryan Veltidi, TX;

IV: 1 Christina Wallin, VA; 2 Michael Cowett, OH; Forrest Whitehouse, FL; 3 Mark Nesbitt, OH; Collin Sibley, VA; 4 Brendan Quinn, CA; 5 Michael Daugherty, KY; Kyle Markwalter, VA; Julie Zauzmer, PA; 6 Abhinav Golla, TX; Angela Lin, TX; Kathleen Wade, FL; 7 Jonathan Massey, KY; 8 Melissa Freilich, OH; John Mussman, IL; Charlotte Weinstein, PA; 9 Stephanie Cruz, TX; Jacob Meister, MA; 10 Marcinina Alvaran, IL; Corey Philipp, TX;

V+: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Erik Fredericksen, VA; Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 4 John Johnson, TN; 5 James Carroll, MA; Leaha Wynn, GA; 6 Philip Swanger, TX; 7 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; Timothy Schlee, MO; 8 Neil Menon, OH; 9 David Maynor, TX; Jacob Parsons, TN; 10 Claudia Hochstein, IL; Dallas Simons, TN; Jessica Truong, VA;

Latin Derivatives1/2: 1 Carson Graham, FL; 2 Henry Schott, FL; Isaiah Spinney, VA; 3 Catherine Bousquet, TX;

Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Wilmer Davis III, WY; Evan Draim, VA; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 5 Katrina Rudisel, ND; 6 Sarah Shahawy, FL; 7 Aditya Gudibanda, TN; Jackson Myers, TN; 8 Brittany Kwolek, VA; Hyejin Roh, FL; 9 Maria Cascio, VA; Amanda Evans, FL; John Henning, FL; Allison Killea, FL; Samethia Robinson, AL; 10 James Deese II, AL;

I: 1 Lee Vian, GA; 2 Kaitlin Clark, TX; 3 Derek Booth, MA; 4 Phillip Murphy, VA; 5 Graydon Daubert, TX; Edward Kleiner, MA; 6 Jason Benoit, TX; Andrew Boudon, OH; Sasha Cottle, VA; Alice Krieger, TX; Andrew Margrave, TX; Thaosuong Nguyen, FL; 7 Mary Mussman, IL; 8 Megan Wu, TN; 9 Meaghan Carley, IL; Michael Lilien, IL; Aakash Patel, IL; 10 David Fan, TN; Julianne Humphreys, FL;

II: 1 Adam Richter, TX; 2 Patrick Grayson, TX; 3 Gabriel Molina, FL; Megan Whitacre, OH; 4 Sam Leach, FL; Jacob Schafer, TN; Amy Zhou, IL; 5 Amy Amornmarn, FL; Stephan Duga, NC; Ratna Gill, VA; Alvin Wang, FL; 6 Anna Parks, IL; Daniel Phelps, MA; 7 Nalin Ratnayeke, TX; Ryan Reynolds, CA; 8 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; Frank Miller, VA; Evan Ogden, TX; Matthew Shanahan, IL; Martha Templeton, VA; 9 Trey Duplantis, LA; Aubrey Geyer, VA; Jacob Guerra, TX; Niketu Patel, FL; 10 Michael Burton, TX;

III: 1 Jose Molina, FL; 2 Kenneson Chen, VA; 3 Hilary Cheney, ME; Derion Givens, TN; 4 Jordan Kodner, WI; Joseph Marx, KS; 5 Michael Carpenter, FL; 6 James Chang, FL; John Grimm, OH; 7 Christina Arnon, CA; Sean Connolly, KY; Maya Wei, VA; 8 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; Jacob Gruber, IL; Julia Liken, TX; Watson Reed, TN; Jeremy Ying, TX; 9 Curtis Feronti, TX; Sarah Leonard, OH; 10 Michael Atkinson, NJ; Sarah Best, TN; Rebekah Kitto, FL; Tina Ng, FL;

IV: 1 Forrest Whitehouse, FL; 2 Jacob Meister, MA; 3 John Mussman, IL; Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 4 Matthew Byrd, FL; Jonathan Wang, FL; 5 Harold Jaffe, IL; Collin Sibley, VA; 6 Christopher Londa, MA; 7 Michael Cowett, OH; Thess Dobbs, WI; Charlotte Weinstein, PA; Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 8 Robert Palmer, FL; 9 Ben Lee, OH; Christina Wallin, VA; 10 Ben VanGelder, FL;

V+: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 3 Sam Marinelli, TN; 4 Dallas Simons, TN; 5 Emma Leahy, VA; 6 James Carroll, MA; William Doran, FL; 7 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; David Maynor, TX; 8 Erik Fredericksen, VA; Claudia Hochstein, IL; Neil Menon, OH; 9 Jacob Parsons, TN; Kiran Rao, TX; Timothy Schlee, MO; 10 Emily Calder, NC; Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; Annie Parker, TX;

Latin Vocabulary1/2: 1 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 2 Carson Graham, FL; 3 Hyejin Roh, FL; 4 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 5

Henry Schott, FL; 6 Aditya Gudibanda, TN; 7 Matthew Harper, TN; Allison Killea, FL; Josh Pincus, FL; 8 John Henning, FL; Katrina Rudisel, ND; 9 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 10 Catherine Bousquet, TX; Jackson Myers, TN;

I: 1 Lee Vian, GA; 2 Derek Booth, MA; 3 Chelton Myers, TX; 4 Andrew Margrave, TX; 5 Phillip Murphy, VA; 6 Meaghan Carley, IL; Edward Kleiner, MA; 7 Sasha Cottle, VA; Eli Goldstein, TN; Emily Skrutskie, VA; India Watkins, FL; 8 Ngan Do, TX; 9 Ryan Jones, TX; Mary Mussman, IL; Safeeyah Quereshi, WI; 10 Julianne Humphreys, FL;

II: 1 Patrick Grayson, TX; 2 Megan Whitacre, OH; 3 Gabriel Molina, FL; 4 Alvin Wang, FL; 5 Jane

Darby Menton, FL; Amy Zhou, IL; 6 Michael Burton, TX; 7 Ratna Gill, VA; Leo Golod, CA; 8 Aubrey Geyer, VA; Adam Richter, TX; 9 Lynn Killea, FL; Nalin Ratnayeke, TX; 10 Tony Lee, GA;

III: 1 Jose Molina, FL; 2 Julia Liken, TX; 3 Jordan Kodner, WI; 4 Derion Givens, TN; 5 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; Mason Osborn, TX; 6 Matthew Miller, TX; Maya Wei, VA; 7 Sean Connolly, KY; 8 Sarah Best, TN; 9 Jacob Gruber, IL; Sarah Leonard, OH; Shijia Liu, TX; Ethan Rosenblum, FL; Quinn Stewart, CA; 10 Christopher Cochran, LA;

IV: 1 Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Sidhi Gosain, OH; 3 Ben VanGelder, FL; 4 Mark Nesbitt, OH; Brendan Quinn, CA; 5 Angela Lin, TX; 6 Matthew Byrd, FL; Michael Cowett, OH; Christina Wallin, VA; 7 Abhinav Golla, TX; Ann Herndon, TN; Matthew Hunt, GA; 8 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 9 Stephanie Cruz, TX; Harold Jaffe, IL; Ian Morrison, TX; 10 Adjani Delgado, TX; Kenny Puk, GA;

V+: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 3 Dallas Simons, TN; 4 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 5 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 6 Emma Leahy, VA; 7 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; 8 Philip Swanger, TX; 9 Sam Marinelli, TN; 10 James Carroll, MA; Neil Menon, OH;

Roman Life1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 3 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 4 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 5 Josh

Pincus, FL; 6 Henry Johnson, VA; 7 Jackson Myers, TN; 8 Sarah Shahawy, FL; 9 Marc Cugnon, VA; Amanda Evans, FL; Regina Merrill, OH; 10 Ashton Yarnall, VA;

I: 1 Andrew Margrave, TX; 2 Caroline Hudson-Hale, VA; 3 Graydon Daubert, TX; Edward Kleiner, MA; 4 Sasha Cottle, VA; 5 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 6 Meaghan Carley, IL; 7 Deborah Houston, FL; Fiona Sappenfield, TN; 8 Kevin Liu, TX; Mary Mussman, IL; 9 Anna Delamerced, OH; Tom Jennings, IL; Phillip Murphy, VA; Bosi Zhang, IN; 10 Jacob Tinnin, TX;

II: 1 Adam Richter, TX; 2 Carl Pattison, TN; Anh Vo, TN; 3 Niketu Patel, FL; Patrick Shirley, WI; 4 Robert Han, TX; 5 Kirstin Adkison, TX; Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; Diana Zheng, FL; 6 Michael Burton, TX; Lynn Killea, FL; Ryan Reynolds, CA; 7 Jessica Lin, CA; Grace Thomas, MA; 8 Madeleine Bousquet, TX; Nick Moran, TN; Hannah Park, TN; 9 Evan Ogden, TX; 10 Nissa Cheng, CA; Thomas Gard, TN; Melanie Keating, IL;

III: 1 Sarah Best, TN; 2 Jose Molina, FL; 3 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 4 Olga Neyman, GA; 5 Kenneson Chen, VA; Jordan Kodner, WI; Reid Swanger, TX; 6 Amith Ananthram, VA; 7 Wesley Wood, IN; 8 Julia Liken, TX; 9 Simon Chun, TX; 10 Scott Dollen, TX;

IV: 1 Sean Kelliher, TX; Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Ann Herndon, TN; Robert Leifur, TX; 3 James Davidson, TX; Sidhi Gosain, OH; Corey Philipp, TX; Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 4 Alexander Poniecki, IL; 5 Angela Lin, TX; 6 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 7 Christina Burke, TN; 8 Imran Husain, VA; 9 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 10 Harold Jaffe, IL; Erin Shanahan, IL;

V+: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 James Carroll, MA; 3 Christopher Husch, CA; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 6 Leaha Wynn, GA; 7 Brittany Mayo, GA; 8 Jay DeLano, VA; 9 Grace Caudle, VA; 10 Neil Menon, OH;

Latin Grammar 1/2 and 11/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Henry Schott, FL; 3 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 John Henning, FL; 5 Isaiah

Spinney, VA; 6 David Heaton, VA; 7 Jackson Myers, TN; 8 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 9 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 10 Amanda Evans, FL;

I: 1 Derek Booth, MA; 2 Lee Vian, GA; 3 Phillip Murphy, VA; 4 Graydon Daubert, TX; 5 Edward Kleiner, MA; 6 Eli Goldstein, TN; Andrew Margrave, TX; David Stupski, FL; 7 Mary Mussman, IL; 8 Dominic Delgado, TX; 9 Nicole Bray, WI; 10 India Watkins, FL;

Latin Grammar - Level 2II: 1 Jacob Guerra, TX; Gabriel Molina, FL; Kannan Raju, TN; Megan Whitacre, OH; 2 Elizabeth

Mee Jay, IL; 3 Helen Shi, TN; 4 Michael Burton, TX; 5 Sam Leach, FL; 6 Ratna Gill, VA; Leo Golod, CA; 7 Mason Soun, TN; 8 Nalin Ratnayeke, TX; 9 Joseph Cadabes, CA; Paul Slater, OH; 10 Nissa Cheng, CA; Aubrey Geyer, VA; Jane Darby Menton, FL;

Latin Grammar - AdvancedIII: 1 Jose Molina, FL; 2 Sarah Best, TN; 3 Christopher Kilgore, VA; 4 Derion Givens, TN; 5 Amith

Ananthram, VA; Mason Osborn, TX; 6 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 7 Ethan Rosenblum, FL; 8 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 9 Jacob Gruber, IL; Shijia Liu, TX; 10 Mary Moroney, LA;

IV: 1 Mark Nesbitt, OH; 2 Ben VanGelder, FL; 3 Jacob Meister, MA; 4 Collin Sibley, VA; 5 William Czaplyski, VA; 6 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; Brendan Quinn, CA; 7 Alexander Poniecki, IL; 8 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 9 Ann Herndon, TN; Christina Wallin, VA; 10 Harold Jaffe, IL; Corey Philipp, TX;

V+: 1 Sam Marinelli, TN; 2 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 3 Christopher Husch, CA; 4 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 5 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; 6 David Maynor, TX; 7 Dallas Simons, TN; 8 Neil Menon, OH; 9 Leaha Wynn, GA; 10 Andrew Moore, KY;

Roman History1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Josh Pincus, FL; 3 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 4 Carl Liles, VA; Jackson Myers,

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TN; 5 Charlie Rock, CA; 6 Marc Cugnon, VA; Henry Schott, FL; 7 Luke Dumont, VA; 8 Gus Schiff, CA; 9 Allison Killea, FL; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; Lucas Marsiske, FL; 10 Regina Merrill, OH;

I: 1 Andrew Margrave, TX; 2 Derek Booth, MA; 3 Clint Anderson, TX; Sasha Cottle, VA; Bradford Sherman, FL; 4 Graydon Daubert, TX; 5 Nathan Keolasy, TX; 6 Rick Schaffer, FL; 7 Yuval Dekel, GA; Emily Skrutskie, VA; 8 John Christoph, VA; 9 Patrick Londa, MA; 10 Jacob Tinnin, TX;

II: 1 Lynn Killea, FL; 2 Michael Burton, TX; Nathan Patterson, OH; 3 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 4 Kirstin Adkison, TX; Kelly Lawyer, VA; 5 Fang Liu, ND; 6 Helen Shi, TN; 7 Paul Ahn, GA; 8 Patrick Shirley, WI; 9 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 10 Erin Malone, FL; Hannah Park, TN; Mason Soun, TN; Grace Thomas, MA;

III: 1 Reid Swanger, TX; 2 Derek Oesterheld, VA; 3 Sarah Best, TN; 4 John Grimm, OH; 5 Dylan Drolette, MA; Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 6 Gary Baker, FL; 7 Will Brackenbury, OH; 8 Jordan Kodner, WI; 9 Amith Ananthram, VA; 10 Cody Simons, TN;

IV: 1 Corey Philipp, TX; 2 Wilson Gu, TX; 3 Ben VanGelder, FL; 4 Ruoqi Wang, TX; 5 Matthew Byrd, FL; 6 Robert Palmer, FL; 7 Jacob Meister, MA; Alexander Poniecki, IL; 8 Christopher Londa, MA; 9 Sidhi Gosain, OH; 10 Adam Swiatlowski, IL;

V+: 1 James Carroll, MA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Michael Velchik, VA; 4 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 5 Emma Leahy, VA; 6 William Doran, FL; Erik Fredericksen, VA; 7 Christopher Husch, CA; 8 David Maynor, TX; 9 Jay DeLano, VA; Hallie Feingold, VA; 10 David Mahin, OH;

Latin Literature1/2: 1 Regina Merrill, OH; 2 Josh Pincus, FL; Henry Schott, FL; 3 Evan Draim, VA; Carson Graham,

FL; Maggie O’Hara, IL; 4 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 5 Megan Funk, OH; Naveen Kemraj, TX; Katie Sanders, OH; 6 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 7 Allison Killea, FL; Christina Lauck, OH; 8 Sarah Shahawy, FL; Sarabeth Stretcher, OH; 9 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 10 John Henning, FL;

I: 1 Andrew Margrave, TX; 2 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 3 Derek Booth, MA; 4 Yuval Dekel, GA; Edward Kleiner, MA; 5 Graydon Daubert, TX; Patrick Londa, MA; Bradford Sherman, FL; 6 Meaghan Carley, IL; 7 Nicholas Rouse, TN; 8 Safeeyah Quereshi, WI; 9 Mary Mussman, IL; 10 Ngan Do, TX; Dillon Treacy, WI;

II: 1 Carl Pattison, TN; 2 Sarah Norton, TX; 3 Madeleine Bousquet, TX; 4 Ralston Medouze, GA; 5 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 6 Thomas Gard, TN; 7 Patrick Shirley, WI; 8 Lynn Killea, FL; 9 Megan Whitacre, OH; 10 Melanie Keating, IL;

III: 1 Sarah Best, TN; 2 Caroline Beck, TX; 3 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 4 Rebekah Kitto, FL; 5 Reid Swanger, TX; 6 Cody Simons, TN; 7 Scott Dollen, TX; 8 Adam Schmitt, TN; 9 Jordan Kodner, WI; 10 Matthew Miller, TX;

IV: 1 Christopher Londa, MA; 2 Jenna Gaska, TX; 3 Sidhi Gosain, OH; Ben VanGelder, FL; 4 Jacob Meister, MA; 5 Matthew Byrd, FL; Corey Philipp, TX; 6 Ann Herndon, TN; 7 Sean Kelliher, TX; 8 Angela Lin, TX; 9 Lauren Hempstead, FL; 10 Michael Cowett, OH;

V+: 1 Erik Fredericksen, VA; Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; Dallas Simons, TN; Philip Swanger, TX; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Michael Velchik, VA; 4 Annie Parker, TX; 5 Kiran Rao, TX; 6 James Carroll, MA; 7 Christopher Husch, CA; 8 Brittany Mayo, GA; 9 William Doran, FL; 10 Joseph Begin, TX; Claudia Hochstein, IL; Crystal Luttrell, VA; Leaha Wynn, GA;

Mythology1/2: 1 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 2 Amanda Evans, FL; Allison Killea, FL; 3 Henry Schott, FL; 4 Nicholas

Broaddus, TX; 5 Lucas Marsiske, FL; 6 Naveen Kemraj, TX; Jordan Tanner, TX; 7 Josh Pincus, FL; 8 David Heaton, VA; 9 Rachel Argo, OH; John Henning, FL; Graham Pilotte, KY; Sarabeth Stretcher, OH; Candace Williams, AL; 10 Charlie Rock, CA; Carmen Wilson, AL;

I: 1 Graydon Daubert, TX; 2 Patrick Londa, MA; 3 David Stupski, FL; 4 Kade Needham, FL; 5 Claire Niemann, VA; 6 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 7 Amber Houston, FL; 8 Blaine Cytryn, VA; Rachel Deleery, TX; 9 Andrew Margrave, TX; 10 Derek Booth, MA; Edward Kleiner, MA; Fiona Sappenfield, TN; Micah Valliere, ME;

II: 1 Gabriel Molina, FL; 2 Carl Pattison, TN; 3 Taylor Johnson, VA; Hannah Park, TN; 4 Logan Nagel, OH; 5 Julia Huth, GA; Megan Whitacre, OH; 6 Madeleine Bousquet, TX; Kannan Raju, TN; 7 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 8 Patrick Grayson, TX; Jane Darby Menton, FL; 9 Kyle Goryl, WI; Amy Zhou, IL; 10 Grace Thomas, MA;

III: 1 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 2 Sarah Best, TN; 3 Scott Dollen, TX; Robert Palmer, TN; 4 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; Jennifer Friedmann, IL; Jose Molina, FL; 5 Patrick Hunger, CO; 6 Amith Ananthram, VA; 7 Michael Carpenter, FL; 8 Elisa Turner, TX; 9 Sarah Nottey, FL; 10 Nathan Baladez, TX;

IV: 1 Christopher Londa, MA; 2 Imran Husain, VA; 3 Ann Herndon, TN; 4 Reuben Perez, TX; 5 Sidhi Gosain, OH; Jacob Meister, MA; 6 Forrest Whitehouse, FL; 7 Angela Lin, TX; 8 Jonathan Wang, FL; 9 Melissa Freilich, OH; 10 Alexander Poniecki, IL;

V+: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 David Maynor, TX; Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; Emma Leahy, VA; Tori Neuman, OH; 4 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 5 Kiran Rao, TX; 6 James Carroll, MA; Erik Fredericksen, VA; 7 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 8 Neil Menon, OH; 9 William Doran, FL; Karyn Greene, MA; Crystal Luttrell, VA; Leaha Wynn, GA; 10 Hallie Feingold, VA; Seth Wand, KY;

Classical Art1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 3 Allison Killea, FL; 4 Carson Graham, FL; 5 Trace

Turner, TX; I: 1 Graydon Daubert, TX; 2 Andrew Margrave, TX; 3 Will Mullany, VA; 4 Robert Lane, FL; 5 Tyler

Heist, KY; 6 Matthew England, MO; Katelyn Schultz, VA; 7 Matt Peeler, FL; II: 1 Megan Thompson, WA; Diana Zheng, FL; 2 Jane Darby Menton, FL; 3 Anh Vo, TN; 4 Dillon

Crockett, NC; 5 Nadia Saeed, FL; 6 Evan Ogden, TX; 7 Adam Richter, TX; 8 Julia Huth, GA; Henry Shennan, CO; 9 Paige Paulsen, WA; 10 Sarah Rust, NC;

III: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Cody Simons, TN; 3 Rachel Rust, NC; 4 Adam Berndt, ND; Mary Dunkelberger, FL; 5 Taylor Brown, FL; 6 Sarah Nottey, FL; Mason Osborn, TX; 7 Gary Baker, FL; 8 Bryan Ahn, GA; 9 Robert Palmer, TN; 10 Alex Combs, NC;

IV: 1 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 2 Lauren Hempstead, FL; 3 Matthew Byrd, FL; 4 Kathleen Wade, FL; 5 Jacob Meister, MA; 6 Corey Philipp, TX; 7 Cassidy Phelps, FL; 8 Christopher Londa, MA; 9 Kara Gordon, CO; 10 Kevin Koelling, OK;

V+: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Christopher Husch, CA; 4 Philip Swanger, TX; 5 William Doran, FL; 6 Annie Parker, TX; 7 Ashten Mays, FL; 8 Kiran Rao, TX; Seth Wand, KY; 9 Lyndsey Moulds, TX; 10 Paul Huang, FL;

Ancient Geography1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Jackson Myers, TN; 3 Henry Johnson, VA; 4 Josh Pincus, FL; 5 Isaiah

Spinney, VA; 6 Carson Graham, FL; 7 Matthew Harper, TN; 8 Carl Liles, VA; Morgan Pritchett, AL; 9 Naveen Kemraj, TX; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 10 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; Gus Schiff, CA;

I: 1 Andrew Margrave, TX; 2 Anne Bransford, TX; 3 Sasha Cottle, VA; 4 Graydon Daubert, TX; 5 John Christoph, VA; 6 Jacob Tinnin, TX; 7 Bradford Sherman, FL; 8 Clint Anderson, TX; Derek Booth, MA; 9 Rick Schaffer, FL; 10 Emily Skrutskie, VA;

II: 1 Carl Pattison, TN; 2 Jay Sullivan, TX; 3 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 4 Evan Ogden, TX; 5 Eric Powell, OH; 6 Helen Shi, TN; 7 Megan Thompson, WA; 8 Melanie Keating, IL; 9 Henry Shennan, CO; 10 Grace Thomas, MA;

III: 1 Jordan Kodner, WI; 2 Curtis Feronti, TX; 3 Taylor Brown, FL; 4 Derek Oesterheld, VA; 5 Adam Berndt, ND; 6 Dylan Drolette, MA; 7 Thomas Blevins, FL; Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 8 Alex Kendall, TX; 9 John Grimm, OH; Rebekah Rust, NC; 10 Kenneson Chen, VA;

IV: 1 Corey Philipp, TX; 2 Forrest Whitehouse, FL; 3 David Knott, TX; 4 Matthew Byrd, FL; 5 Jacob Meister, MA; 6 Ann Herndon, TN; 7 Elizabeth Creager, MI; 8 David Herman, VA; Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 9 Luke Stone, KY; 10 Andy Reitelbach, VA;

V+: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 James Carroll, MA; 5 William Doran, FL; 6 Jay DeLano, VA; Claudia Hochstein, IL; 7 Lance Faulkner, WY; 8 Christian Spendlove, TX; 9 Grace Caudle, VA; Sarah co*ker, VA; Lauren Dean, OH; 10 Paul Huang, FL;

Mottoes1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 3 Henry Schott, FL; 4 Lucas Marsiske, FL; Josh Pincus,

FL; 5 Amanda Evans, FL; 6 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 7 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; 8 Sarah Shahawy, FL; 9 Aditya Gudibanda, TN; Jackson Myers, TN; 10 Marc Cugnon, VA; Regina Merrill, OH;

I: 1 Jesseca Reed, FL; 2 Andrew Margrave, TX; 3 Maarten Janssens, TX; 4 Edward Kleiner, MA; 5 Yuval Dekel, GA; 6 Eli Goldstein, TN; Jeffrey Joseph, IL; Bradford Sherman, FL; 7 Phillip Murphy, VA; Lisa Takenaka, CA; 8 Derek Booth, MA; Amber Houston, FL; Vikas Kottamasu, GA; 9 Tom Zhang, IN; 10 Sasha Cottle, VA; Eda Kaceli, MA; Fiona Sappenfield, TN; Maggie Thimons, TX;

II: 1 Lynn Killea, FL; 2 Jane Darby Menton, FL; Megan Whitacre, OH; 3 Maurice Boetger, FL; 4 Carl Pattison, TN; 5 Jacob Schafer, TN; 6 Gabriel Molina, FL; 7 Aubrey Geyer, VA; 8 Paul Slater, OH; 9 Melanie Keating, IL; 10 Richard Dietz, TX; Ratna Gill, VA;

III: 1 Shijia Liu, TX; 2 Matthew Miller, TX; Jessica Yeung, FL; 3 Jackie Van Laningham, FL; 4 Paulina Franco, TX; 5 Jordan Kodner, WI; Jose Molina, FL; Mary Moroney, LA; 6 Mason Osborn, TX; 7 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; Christopher Kilgore, VA; 8 Derek Oesterheld, VA; 9 Elisa Turner, TX; 10 Dana Hunt, FL; John Shahawy, FL;

IV: 1 Matthew Byrd, FL; 2 Jessica McCarron, FL; 3 Harold Jaffe, IL; Jacob Meister, MA; 4 Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 5 Michael Cowett, OH; 6 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 7 Angela Lin, TX; 8 Robert Palmer, FL; Ben VanGelder, FL; 9 Kenny Puk, GA; Jonathan Wang, FL; 10 Christopher Londa, MA;

V+: 1 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 James Carroll, MA; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 Paul Huang, FL; Christopher Husch, CA; 6 Michael Velchik, VA; 7 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 8 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; 9 Claudia Hochstein, IL; Tori Neuman, OH; Leaha Wynn, GA; 10 Ruchi Srivastava, CA;

Academic Heptathlon1/2: 1 Evan Draim, VA; 2 Amanda Evans, FL; Naveen Kemraj, TX; 3 Josh Pincus, FL; Isaiah Spinney,

VA; 4 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; Allison Killea, FL; 5 Jackson Myers, TN; 6 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 7 Ellie

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Fall 2008

Cooney, OH; Marc Cugnon, VA; 8 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 9 Katie Sanders, OH; Jordan Tanner, TX; 10 Megan Funk, OH; Christina Lauck, OH;

I: 1 Edward Kleiner, MA; 2 Derek Booth, MA; 3 Andrew Margrave, TX; 4 Mary Mussman, IL; 5 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 6 Safeeyah Quereshi, WI; 7 Graydon Daubert, TX; Phillip Murphy, VA; Fiona Sappenfield, TN; 8 Nicole Bray, WI; 9 David Stupski, FL; 10 Sasha Cottle, VA; Dominic Delgado, TX;

II: 1 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 2 Gabriel Molina, FL; Adam Richter, TX; 3 Helen Shi, TN; 4 Patrick Grayson, TX; 5 Megan Whitacre, OH; 6 Carl Pattison, TN; 7 Taylor Johnson, VA; 8 Aubrey Geyer, VA; Amy Zhou, IL; 9 Madeleine Bousquet, TX; Patrick Shirley, WI; 10 Lynn Killea, FL;

III: 1 Sarah Best, TN; 2 Alessandra Fairchild, TX; 3 Maya Wei, VA; 4 Amith Ananthram, VA; 5 Jacob Gruber, IL; 6 Christopher Kilgore, VA; 7 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 8 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; Julia Liken, TX; Robert Palmer, TN; 9 Olga Neyman, GA; Reid Swanger, TX; 10 Ethan Rosenblum, FL;

IV: 1 Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Kenny Puk, GA; Adam Swiatlowski, IL; Ben VanGelder, FL; 3 Christopher Londa, MA; 4 Harold Jaffe, IL; Forrest Whitehouse, FL; 5 Ann Herndon, TN; 6 Angela Lin, TX; Alexander Poniecki, IL; 7 Jonathan Wang, FL; 8 Corey Philipp, TX; Eleanor Wroblewski, WI; 9 Mark Nesbitt, OH; 10 Julie Zauzmer, PA;

V+: 1 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 2 Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 Dallas Simons, TN; 5 James Carroll, MA; 6 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 7 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; 8 David Maynor, TX; 9 Neil Menon, OH; 10 William Doran, FL;

Academic Decathlon: 1 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 2 Christopher Husch, CA; 3 Jacob Meister, MA; Dallas Simons, TN; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 James Carroll, MA; 6 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 7 Sarah Best, TN; 8 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; 9 Jose Molina, FL; 10 Matthew Byrd, FL;

Costume Jr. Boys: 1 Thomas Blake, TX; 2 Harris Stevens, NC;

Costume Jr. Girls: 1 Sarah Rust, NC;

Costume Jr. Couples: Carson Graham, FL; Allison Killea, FL; 2 Jenna Galletta, OH; Mitra Jouhari, OH; 3 Maria Cascio, VA; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 4 Zachary Hall, MA; Lucy Sinacola, MA; 5 Stephanie Chastang, OH; Melissa Kelley, OH; 6 Regina Merrill, OH; Katie Sanders, OH; 7 Malena Mastel, ND; Katrina Rudisel, ND;

Costume Sr. Boys: 1 Brittani Sexton, OH; 2 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 3 Ramsey Hardin, SC; 4 Charlie O’Hara, IL; 5 Casey DeHaan, FL; 6 Daniel Kasper, TN; 7 Nick Behney, IN;

Costume Sr. Girls: 1 Rachel Robison, FL; 2 Angela Lin, TX; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Sara Huebschen, WI; 5 Taryn Willett, OH; 6 Lauren Tilley, NC; 7 Sarah Thompson, TX; 8 Vidhi Shah, FL; 9 Kelsey Petrey, OH; 10 Anna Bibens, TX;

Costume Sr. Couples: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Patrick Buckmaster, MO; Hayley Ivey, MO; 3 Richard Fink, TX; Ruoqi Wang, TX; 4 Dashiell Bark-Huss, IL; Katherine Ceisel, IL; 5 Hallie Feingold, VA; Crystal Luttrell, VA; 6 Sai Sawicki, OH; Rachel Sawicki, OH; 7 Seonag Doherty, FL; Melissa Montrowl, FL; 8 Anuradha Bommakanti, IL; Dennis Yuan, IL; 9 Christopher Londa, MA; Grace Thomas, MA; 10 Serena Karraker, MO; Michael Rizzo, MO;

Dramatic Interp. 1/2 Girls: 1 Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 2 Allison Killea, FL; 3 Katrina Rudisel, ND; 4 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 5 Alexandria Brooks, AL;

Dramatic Interp. I Girls: 1 Mary Mussman, IL; 2 Domonique Ramos, TX; 3 Eda Kaceli, MA; 4 Ashton Murphy, TX; 5 Ali Campion, TX; 6 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 7 Deborah Houston, FL; 8 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 9 Natalie Whitsett, OH; 10 Lauren Tilley, NC;

Dramatic Interp. 1/2 & I Boys: 1 David Heaton, VA; 2 Aaron Schulze, TX; 3 Edward Kleiner, MA; 4 Matt Peeler, FL;

Dramatic Interp. II Boys: 1 Joshua Echebiri, TX; 2 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 3 Philip Rosen, TX; 4 Zachary Hall, MA; 5 Tony Lee, GA; 6 Harris Stevens, NC; 7 Cory Temple, NC; 8 Niketu Patel, FL;

Dramatic Interp. II Girls: 1 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 2 Kaitlin Bennett, TX; 3 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 4 Lynn Killea, FL; Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Aubrey Geyer, VA; 6 Kelly Lawyer, VA; 7 Anna Parks, IL; 8 Kellie Devore-Gogola, IN; 9 Nadia Saeed, FL; 10 Sarah Rust, NC;

Dramatic Interp. Prose Boys: 1 John Grimm, OH; 2 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 3 David Herman, VA; 4 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 5 Charlie O’Hara, IL;

Dramatic Interp. Prose Girls: 1 Hillary Brainerd, TX; 2 Jenny Chen, PA; 3 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 4 Katie Kight, CA; 5 Rebekah Rust, NC; 6 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 7 Natasha Thondavadi, IL; 8 Meg Schloemer, VA; 9 Tiffany Jones, KY; 10 Jane Bialek, IL;

Dramatic Interp. Poetry Boys: 1 Kevin Arteaga, TX; 2 Christian Spendlove, TX; 3 David Burtch, TX; 4 Alexander Poniecki, IL; 5 Harold Jaffe, IL; 6 Kyle Markwalter, VA;

Dramatic Interp. Poetry Girls: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 3 Charlotte Weinstein, PA; 4 Lisa Dorn, OH; 5 Melissa Freilich, OH; 6 Leaha Wynn, GA; 7 Dana Hunt, FL; 8 Ella Fishman, CA; 9 Marissa Amaya, TX; 10 Rochelle Chen, TX;

English Oratory - Lower: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Zachary Hall, MA; 3 Claire Niemann, VA; 4 Carl Liles, VA;

English Oratory - Grade 10: 1 Matt Brennan, IL; 2 Jemma Sepich, WI; 3 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; 4 Zachary Malloy, ME; 5 Matthew Miller, TX;

English Oratory - Upper: 1 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 2 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 3 Elise Bonine, TX; 4 Alexander Poniecki, IL; 5 Kelly Lawyer, VA; 6 Katie Kight, CA; 7 Ruoxi Guo, TX; 8 Christopher Londa, MA; 9 Grace Caudle, VA; 10 Michael En, GA;

Essay - 7-8th Grade Boys: 1 Derek Booth, MA; 2 John Christoph, VA; 3 Andrew Margrave, TX; 4 Edward Kleiner, MA; 5 Harris Stevens, NC; 6 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 7 Will Mullany, VA; 8 Patrick Londa, MA; 9 Graydon Daubert, TX; 10 Ryan Ochoa, VA;

Essay - 7-8th Grade Girls: 1 Jessica Lin, CA; 2 Kaitlin Halloran, CA; 3 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 4 Rebecca Bakal, IL; 5 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 6 Makenzie Magaro, VA; 7 Hannah Tufts, VA; 8 Shannon Weir, VA; 9 Brooke Addison, VA; 10 Brittany Kwolek, VA;

Essay - 9th Grade Boys: 1 Jacob Schafer, TN; 2 Michael Loftus, IL; 3 Jonathon Catlin, IL; 4 Zachary Hall, MA; 5 Joseph Deharde, TN; 6 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 7 Daniel Phelps, MA; 8 Donald Meyer, KY; 9 Austin Tedsco, TX; 10 Tyler Heist, KY;

Essay - 9th Grade Girls: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Mara Steven, WI; 3 Lisa Takenaka, CA; 4 Malia Meyer, NV; Mary Mussman, IL; 5 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 6 Emily Skrutskie, VA; 7 Ratna Gill, VA; Sharon Park, NV; 8 Martina Bright, IL; 9 Peri Himsel, NJ; Claire Niemann, VA; 10 Jessica Jankowski, IL; Allison Wintring, KY;

Essay - 10th Grade Boys: 1 Zach Bakal, IL; 2 Joseph Steven, WI; 3 Mason Osborn, TX; 4 Luke Miller, NC; 5 Dylan Drolette, MA; 6 Niketu Patel, FL; 7 Matt Brennan, IL; 8 Devin Kelley, CA; 9 Frank Miller, VA;

Essay - 10th Grade Girls: 1 Nissa Cheng, CA; 2 Jenny Chen, PA; 3 Mikenna Everett, TX; 4 Bridget Illing, IL; 5 Erin McMannon, IL; 6 Liza McIntosh, IL; 7 Amy Lin, CA; 8 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 9 Samantha Goldfarb, OH; Sarah Leonall, NC; Natasha Thondavadi, IL; 10 Khaki LaRiviere, VA;

Essay - 11th Grade Boys: 1 Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Derion Givens, TN; 3 Christopher Londa, MA; 4 John Grimm, OH; Robert Palmer, TN; 5 Sarbajeet Nagdas, NC; 6 Jared Hicks, MA; 7 Ben Rogers, IN; 8 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 9 William Czaplyski, VA; 10 Spencer Rosenfeld, IL; Joseph Traum, NJ;

Essay - 11th Grade Girls: 1 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 2 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 3 Annie Parker, TX; 4 Grace Caudle, VA; 5 Irteza Binte-Farid, VA; 6 Klara Nichter, KY; Maya Wei, VA; 7 Elisa Turner, TX; 8 Olga Neyman, GA; 9 Briona Ellwood, WY; Serena Karraker, MO; 10 Christina Wallin, VA;

Essay - 12th Grade Boys: 1 James Carroll, MA; 2 Harold Jaffe, IL; 3 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 4 David Mahin, OH; 5 Alexander Poniecki, IL; 6 Daniel Subak, FL; 7 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 8 John Mussman, IL; 9 Kiran Rao, TX;

Essay - 12th Grade Girls: 1 Lyndsey Moulds, TX; 2 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 3 Meryem Dede, OH; 4 Dana Hunt, FL; Leighanne McGill, FL; 5 Emily Forney, OH; 6 Marja Norberg, IL; 7 Jennifer White, NC; 8 Erin Lam, CA; 9 Bonnie Watson, MO; 10 Ruchi Srivastava, CA;

Latin Oratory - Levels 1/2 & I: 1 Mary Mussman, IL; 2 Evan Draim, VA; 3 Vikas Kottamasu, GA; 4 Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 5 Maria Cascio, VA; Carmen Siew, IN; 6 Yuval Dekel, GA; 7 Lisa Takenaka, CA; 8 Sloane Smith, GA; 9 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 10 Aaron Presley, TX;

Latin Oratory - Level II: 1 Arun Kumar, GA; 2 Zachary Hall, MA; Zachary Malloy, ME; 3 Kelly Lawyer, VA; Elizabeth Szymanski, IN; 4 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 5 Parth Sehgal, GA; 6 Nissa Cheng, CA; 7 Tony Lee, GA; 8 Michael En, GA; 9 Aubrey Geyer, VA; 10 Ryan Reynolds, CA;

Latin Oratory - Level III: 1 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 2 John Grimm, OH; 3 Angel Bernadas, TX; 4 Stacey LaRiviere, VA; 5 Emily Kelly, IL; 6 Katherine Keilman, IN; 7 Quinn Stewart, CA; 8 Khaki LaRiviere, VA; 9 Zach Bakal, IL; 10 Nick Toptine, NC;

Latin Oratory - Level IV+: 1 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Erika Davis, VA; 4 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 5 John Mussman, IL; 6 Brendan Quinn, CA; 7 David Herman, VA; Julie Zauzmer, PA; 8 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 9 Harold Jaffe, IL; 10 Adjani Delgado, TX;

Modern Myth - Lower Division: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 3 Ashton Murphy, TX; 4 Heather Jeong, GA; 5 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 6 Matt Peeler, FL; 7 Taylor Johnson, VA; 8 Aubrey Geyer, VA; 9 Lindsey Conklin, WI; 10 Barbara Kirby, MA;

Modern Myth - Middle Division: 1 Amy Lin, CA; 2 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 3 Erin McMannon, IL; 4 Katelyn Murphy, FL; 5 Emma Leahy, VA; 6 Blayne Bogart, WY;

Modern Myth - Grade 11: 1 Eric Kilbride, IL; 2 Ben Rogers, IN; 3 Bret Geyer, VA; 4 Leaha Wynn, GA; 5 Christopher Londa, MA; 6 Briona Ellwood, WY; 7 Kelly Lawyer, VA; 8 Mackenzie Wiginton, WY; 9 Kailyn Rogers, MO; 10 Calvin Lescault, FL;

Modern Myth - Grade 12: 1 Christopher Gipson, CA; 2 Harold Jaffe, IL; 3 Lance Faulkner, WY; 4 Daniel Subak, FL; 5 Steven Grogan, OH; 6 David Mahin, OH; 7 Griffin Marsh, WY; 8 Stephen White, FL; 9 Travis Sturgill-Trahan, FL;

Sight Latin - Level 1/2 Boys: 1 Nicholas Broaddus, TX; 2 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 3 Evan Draim, VA;

Sight Latin - Level I Boys: 1 Ryan Jones, TX; 2 Andrew Field, KY; 3 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 4 Michael Loftus, IL; 5 Drew Herrmann, IN; 6 Edward Kleiner, MA; 7 John Deis, KY; 8 Andrew Margrave, TX; 9 Matthew Teperman, NJ; 10 David Bonine, TX;

Sight Latin - 1/2 & I Girls: 1 Mary Mussman, IL; 2 Meaghan Carley, IL; 3 Ali Campion, TX; 4 Maria Cascio, VA; 5 Briana Forney, OH; 6 Kaitlin Clark, TX; Mitra Jouhari, OH; 7 Mari Huffman, TX; 8 Rebecca Bakal, IL; 9 Taleah Britsch, KY; 10 Paige Abrams, FL;

Sight Latin - Level II Boys: 1 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 2 Frank Miller, VA; 3 Joseph Cadabes, CA; 4 Bret Geyer, VA; 5 Richard Dietz, TX; 6 Joshua Echebiri, TX; 7 Tony Lee, GA; 8 Henry Shennan, CO; 9 Adam Safadi, CO; 10 Trey Duplantis, LA;

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Sight Latin - Level II Girls: 1 Elizabeth Szymanski, IN; 2 Megan Thompson, WA; 3 Mara Steven, WI; 4 Nissa Cheng, CA; 5 Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; 6 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 7 Anne Lenz, IL; 8 Erin McMannon, IL; 9 Elizabeth Bass, IN; 10 Bridget Illing, IL;

Sight Latin Prose Boys: 1 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 2 Jacob Meister, MA; 3 Jordan Garcia, TX; Jonathan Kittaka, IL; 4 Christopher Cochran, LA; 5 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 6 John Grimm, OH; 7 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 8 James Chang, FL; Jake Garner, OH; Nathan Shippee, WI; 9 Matt Brennan, IL; 10 Paul Tinsley, TX;

Sight Latin Prose Girls: 1 Maya Wei, VA; 2 Adjani Delgado, TX; 3 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 5 Kristina Satek, KY; 6 Hillary Brainerd, TX; 7 Amanda Doyle, WI; 8 Jenny Chen, PA; 9 Olivia Schutte, OH; 10 Rebecca Baird-Remba, VA; Kathryn Kukla, IN;

Sight Latin Poetry Boys: 1 Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Erik Fredericksen, VA; 3 Ben Jewell, ME; 4 Wesley Wood, IN; 5 Kevin Arteaga, TX; Harold Jaffe, IL; 6 John Everett, NV; 7 Derion Givens, TN; 8 Ben Cassin, LA; 9 Ian McLean, OH; 10 Joseph Musico, AZ;

Sight Latin Poetry Girls: 1 Leaha Wynn, GA; 2 Stephanie Cruz, TX; 3 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 4 Charlotte Weinstein, PA; 5 Erin Lam, CA; 6 Ruchi Srivastava, CA; 7 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 8 Emily Forney, OH; Kimberly Read, TX; 9 Lena Davis, OH; 10 Katherine Keilman, IN;

Slogan: 1 Lisa Dorn, OH; 2 Amy Lin, CA; 3 Leaha Wynn, GA; 4 Sarah Thompson, TX; 5 Charlotte Morrow, MI; 6 Leslie Hood, NC; 7 Brittainy Jackson, NC; 8 Nick Toptine, NC; 9 William Yow, NC; 10 Stephen McMurtry, KY;

Cartoons 7-9: 1 Grace Thomas, MA; 2 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 3 Sarah Rust, NC; 4 Drew Herrmann, IN; 5 Rachel Argo, OH; 6 Will Mullany, VA; 7 John Christoph, VA; 8 Harris Stevens, NC; 9 Patrick Leighton, IL; 10 Rene Edelstein, WI;

Cartoons 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 3 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 4 Blayne Bogart, WY; 5 Anh Vo, TN; 6 Devin Kees, PA;

Cartoons 11: 1 Julie Lim, TX; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Briona Ellwood, WY; 4 Lindsay Ellmore, VA; 5 Hallie Feingold, VA;

Cartoons 12: 1 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 2 Harold Jaffe, IL; 3 David Mahin, OH; 4 Lance Faulkner, WY; 5 Sai Sawicki, OH;

Greeting Cards 7-9: 1 Anna Herrmann, OH; 2 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 3 Carmen Siew, IN; 4 Mary Mussman, IL; 5 Janice Sewell, IN; 6 Grace Thomas, MA; 7 Zachary Hall, MA; 8 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 9 Lucy Sinacola, MA; 10 Sarah Rust, NC;

Greeting Cards 10: 1 Cody Simons, TN; 2 Blayne Bogart, WY; 3 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 4 Michelle Gardner, NJ; 5 Megan Wu, TN; 6 Stacey LaRiviere, VA; 7 Khaki LaRiviere, VA;

Greeting Cards 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Katie Junge, WY; 3 Kellie Asmus, OH; 4 Erika Davis, VA; 5 Wesley Wood, IN; 6 Paula Luong, MA; 7 D J DeWitt, IL;

Greeting Cards 12: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Sarah co*ker, VA; 3 Lyndsey Moulds, TX; 4 Marja Norberg, IL;

Charts: Constructed 7-9: 1 Megan Funk, OH; 2 Carolyn Boyce, OH; 3 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 4 Rachel Argo, OH; 5 Anna Delamerced, OH; 6 Katie Sanders, OH; 7 Zachary Hall, MA; 8 Lucy Sinacola, MA; 9 Matt Peeler, FL; 10 Makenzie Magaro, VA;

Charts: Constructed 10: 1 Elizabeth Szymanski, IN; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Devin Kees, PA; 4 Seonag Doherty, FL; 5 Patrick Burke, MA;

Charts: Constructed 11: 1 Christina Wallin, VA; 2 Brad Abplanalp, IN; 3 Casey DeHaan, FL; 4 Grace Caudle, VA; 5 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 6 Laura Peterson, MO; 7 Melissa Montrowl, FL; 8 Calvin Lescault, FL; 9 Adam Bosarge, IL;

Charts: Constructed 12: 1 David Mahin, OH; 2 Lance Faulkner, WY; 6 Abdullah Malik, IN;

Charts: Drawn 7-9: 1 Grace Thomas, MA; 2 Natalie Whitsett, OH; 3 Patrick Londa, MA; 5 Laura Schoettmer, OH; 10 Mark Samaan, OH;

Charts: Drawn 10: 1 Jessica Durham, OH; 2 Amy Lin, CA; 3 Anh Vo, TN; 4 Cody Simons, TN; 5 Sarah Leonard, OH; 6 Josh Glass, IN; 7 Michelle Gardner, NJ;

Charts: Drawn 12: 3 Dallas Simons, TN;

Illustrated Quotes 7-9: 1 Carolyn Boyce, OH; 2 Grace Thomas, MA; 3 Sarabeth Stretcher, OH; 4 Ellie Cooney, OH; 5 Claire Niemann, VA; 7 Ashley Johns, OH; 8 Christina Lauck, OH; 9 Ali Campion, TX; 10 Makenzie Magaro, VA;

Illustrated Quotes 10: 1 Devin Kees, PA; 5 Samantha Goldfarb, OH; 6 Josh Glass, IN; 7 Khaki LaRiviere, VA;

Illustrated Quotes 11: 1 Jacob Meister, MA; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Erika Davis, VA; 4 Grace Caudle, VA; 5 Paula Luong, MA; 6 Lara Howerton, VA; 7 D J DeWitt, IL; 8 Lindsay Barleycorn, LA; 9 Christopher Londa, MA;

Illustrated Quotes 12: 3 Sarah co*ker, VA; 10 Yasir Malik, IN;

Maps 7-9: 1 Carmen Siew, IN; 2 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 3 John Christoph, VA; 4 Maria Cascio, VA; Jinny Park, GA; 5 Grace Thomas, MA; 6 Makenzie Magaro, VA; Lucy Sinacola, MA; 7 Taylor Johnson, VA; 8 Allison Wintring, KY; 9 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 10 Zachary Hall, MA;

Maps 10: 1 Henry Shennan, CO; 2 Thess Dobbs, WI; 3 Trevor Thiess, IL; 4 Jennifer Murray, FL; 5 Taryn Willett, OH; 6 Blayne Bogart, WY; 7 Ryan Reynolds, CA; 8 Vidhi Shah, FL; 9 Megan Thompson, WA; 10 Patrick Burke, MA;

Maps 11: 1 Neil Menon, OH; 2 Olga Neyman, GA; 3 Ryan Qualizza, IN; 4 Wesley Wood, IN; 5 Kelly Lawyer, VA; 6 Anna Lohmann, WI; 7 Brad Abplanalp, IN; 8 Calvin Lescault, FL;

Maps 12: 1 Lance Faulkner, WY; 2 Elizabeth Creager, MI; 3 Leighanne McGill, FL; 4 Yasir Malik, IN;

Posters: Constructed 7-9: 1 Katie Sanders, OH; 2 Jackson Myers, TN; 3 Hannah Griese, KY; 4 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Jessie McClure, TN;

Posters: Constructed 10: 1 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 2 Allison Gray, OH; 3 Stacey LaRiviere, VA; 4 Devin Kees, PA; 5 James Haworth, IN; 6 Khaki LaRiviere, VA;

Posters: Constructed 11: 1 Katherine Keilman, IN; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Erika Davis, VA; 4 Grace Caudle, VA; 5 Katie Junge, WY; 6 Rachel Rust, NC; 7 Casey Marek, NV; 8 Andrew McCaffrey, OH; 9 Andy Reitelbach, VA; 10 Patrick Buckmaster, MO;

Posters: Constructed 12: 1 Michelle Blomer, OH; 2 Kurtis Butler, WY; 3 Lance Faulkner, WY; 4 David Mahin, OH;

Posters: Drawn 7-9: 1 Grace Thomas, MA; 2 Shauna Combs, KY; 3 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 5 Zachary Hall, MA; 7 Laura Zembrodt, KY; 8 Komstantin Langenberg, VA;

Posters: Drawn 10: 3 Stephanie Krause, IN;

Posters: Drawn 11: 1 Chris Powell, TX;

Acrylic/Oil 7-9: Malia Meyer, NV; 2 Melissa Mainhart, NC; 3 Sarah Rust, NC; 4 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 5 Will Mullany, VA; Jordan Tanner, TX; 7 Julianne Humphreys, FL; 8 Grace Thomas, MA; 9 Patrick Londa, MA;

Acrylic/Oil 10: 1 Jesse Walker, FL; Jessica Yeung, FL; 3 Taryn Willett, OH; 4 Emma Leahy, VA; 5 Wilmer Davis III, WY; Allison Gray, OH;

Acrylic/Oil 11: 1 Vivian Wu, TX; 2 Annie Parker, TX; 3 Jonathan Kittaka, IL; 4 Rebekah Rust, NC; 5 Jessica Truong, VA; 6 Kaitlin Clark, TX; 7 Heta Panchal, IL; 8 Whitney Ford, TX; 9 Alice Ogden-Nussbaum, WI; 10 Sage Stutsman, WA;

Acrylic/Oil 12: 1 Meredith Barnes, OH; 2 Sarah co*ker, VA; 3 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 4 Lyndsey Moulds, TX; 5 William Kinkley, IN; Brittani Sexton, OH;

Black Ink 7-9: 1 Julianne Humphreys, FL; 2 Will Mullany, VA; 3 Martina Bright, IL; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Patrick Londa, MA; 6 Brennan Kuster, TN; 7 Rachel Stillman, MA;

Black Ink 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Patrick Hunger, CO; 3 Wilmer Davis III, WY; 4 Taira Salahutdin, FL;

Black Ink 11: 1 Jonathan Kittaka, IL; 2 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Paula Luong, MA; 5 Sage Stutsman, WA; 6 Lara Howerton, VA; 7 Neil Menon, OH;

Black Ink 12: 1 David Mahin, OH; 2 Griffin Marsh, WY; 3 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 5 William Kinkley, IN;

Black Pencil 7-9: 1 Ashton Murphy, TX; 2 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 3 Heather Jeong, GA; 4 Mara Steven, WI; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Klhee Kim, GA; 7 Daniel McNeely, TN; 8 Sarabeth Stretcher, OH; 9 Taylor Johnson, VA; 10 Will Mullany, VA;

Black Pencil 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Kelly Schmidt, OH; 3 Elizabeth Bass, IN; 4 Brittany Hibdon, TX; 5 Monica Shah, FL; 6 Debha Amatya, OH; 7 Joseph Musico, AZ; 8 Khaki LaRiviere, VA; 9 Kate Savageau, ND;

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Fall 2008

Black Pencil 11: 1 Vivian Wu, TX; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Annie Parker, TX; 4 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 5 Wesley Wood, IN; 6 Mackenzie Wiginton, WY; 7 Emily Bottom, KY; 8 Neil Menon, OH; 9 Mary Yang, GA; 10 Hannah Szabo, OH;

Black Pencil 12: 1 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 2 Meredith Barnes, OH; 3 Sarah co*ker, VA; 4 Ella Fishman, CA; 5 Griffin Marsh, WY; 6 Harold Jaffe, IL; 7 William Kinkley, IN;

Chalk/Pastel 7-9: 1 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 2 Jinny Park, GA; 3 Will Mullany, VA; 4 Rachel Stillman, MA; 5 Grace Thomas, MA; 6 Patrick Londa, MA; 7 Hannah Park, TN; 8 Marissa Krzysko, IL; 9 Katie Sanders, OH;

Chalk/Pastel 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 Wilmer Davis III, WY;

Chalk/Pastel 11: 1 Jessica Truong, VA; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 4 Mackenzie Wiginton, WY; 5 Sage Stutsman, WA;

Chalk/Pastel 12: 1 Jennifer Lawson, MO; 2 Griffin Marsh, WY; 3 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 4 David Mahin, OH; 5 Anna Bibens, TX; 6 Meredith Barnes, OH; 7 Brittani Sexton, OH;

Charcoal 7-9: 1 Sarah Rust, NC; 2 Will Mullany, VA; 3 Mara Steven, WI; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Patrick Londa, MA; 6 Rachel Stillman, MA; 7 Derek Booth, MA;

Charcoal 10: 1 Vidhi Shah, FL; 2 Wilmer Davis III, WY;

Charcoal 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Briona Ellwood, WY; 3 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 4 Neil Menon, OH;

Charcoal 12: 1 Christopher Gipson, CA; 2 Meredith Barnes, OH; 3 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 4 Brittani Sexton, OH;

Colored Ink 7-9: 1 Sarah Rust, NC; 2 Will Mullany, VA; 3 Grace Thomas, MA; 4 Patrick Londa, MA; 5 Julianne Humphreys, FL; 6 Rachel Stillman, MA;

Colored Ink 11: 1 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 2 Briona Ellwood, WY; 3 Paula Luong, MA; 4 Taran Christen, NJ;

Colored Ink 12: 1 David Mahin, OH; 2 Jennifer Lawson, MO; 3 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 4 Meredith Barnes, OH;

Colored Pencil 7-9: 1 Peri Himsel, NJ; 2 Ashton Murphy, TX; 3 Ngan Do, TX; 4 Sarah Rust, NC; 5 Joey Neuenschwander, OH; 6 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 7 Melissa Kelley, OH; 8 Taylor Johnson, VA; 9 Brooke Addison, VA;

Colored Pencil 10: 1 Emily Novak, IL; 2 Taryn Willett, OH; 3 Vidhi Shah, FL; 5 Brittany Hibdon, TX; 7 Josh Glass, IN; 8 Kate Savageau, ND;

Colored Pencil 11: 1 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Neil Menon, OH; 4 Wesley Wood, IN; 5 Paula Luong, MA; 7 Bernice Tan, MA; 8 Anna Parks, IL; 9 Erika Davis, VA;

Colored Pencil 12: 1 David Mahin, OH; 2 Sarah co*ker, VA; 3 Meredith Barnes, OH; 4 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 5 Jennifer Lawson, MO; 6 Brittainy Jackson, NC; 7 Brittani Sexton, OH;

Mixed Media 7-9: 1 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 2 Taylor Johnson, VA; 4 Martina Bright, IL; 5 Sarah Kaehler, OH; 6 Grace Thomas, MA; 7 Patrick Londa, MA; 9 Mara Steven, WI;

Mixed Media 10: 1 Christina Larkins, TX; 2 Taryn Willett, OH; 3 Monica Shah, FL; 5 Brittany Hibdon, TX; 6 Stacey LaRiviere, VA;

Mixed Media 11: 1 Mackenzie Wiginton, WY; 2 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 3 Raquel Zacherl, IN; 4 Jessica Truong, VA; 5 Neil Menon, OH; 6 Erika Davis, VA; 7 Bernice Tan, MA;

Mixed Media 12: 1 David Mahin, OH; 2 Griffin Marsh, WY; 3 Sarah co*ker, VA;

Watercolor 7-9: 1 Klhee Kim, GA; 2 Will Mullany, VA; Sarah Rust, NC; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Patrick Londa, MA; 6 Derek Booth, MA; 7 Mary Mussman, IL; 8 Rachel Stillman, MA;

Watercolor 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Charlotte Morrow, MI; 3 Taryn Willett, OH;

Watercolor 11: 1 Rachel Rust, NC; 2 Annie Parker, TX; 3 Vivian Wu, TX; 4 Jessica Truong, VA; 5

Lindsay Heisler, OH; 6 Rebekah Rust, NC; 7 Hallie Feingold, VA; 8 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 9 Brad Abplanalp, IN; 10 Briona Ellwood, WY;

Watercolor 12: 1 Brittainy Jackson, NC; Jessica Lahurd, OH; 3 David Mahin, OH; 4 Meredith Barnes, OH; 6 Brittani Sexton, OH;

Decorative Stitching 7-9: 1 Rachel Deleery, TX; 2 Grace Thomas, MA; 3 Brittany Krowiarz, IN;

Decorative Stitching 10: 1 Taryn Willett, OH; 2 Monica Shah, FL; 3 Caitlin Barrett, FL; 4 Michelle Gardner, NJ; 5 Olivia Schutte, OH; 6 Elizabeth Hess, NJ;

Decorative Stitching 11: 1 Henry Skupniewicz, WI; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Katherine Keilman, IN;

Decorative Stitching 12: David Mahin, OH;

Dolls 7-9: 1 Natalie Whitsett, OH; 2 Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 3 Grace Thomas, MA; 4 Mark Samaan, OH; 5 William Donovan, OH; 6 Austin Snyder, IL; 7 Brittany Kwolek, VA; 8 Sarah Geshwender, IL; 9 Melissa Kelley, OH; 10 James Deese II, AL;

Dolls 10: 1 Sarah Thompson, TX; 2 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; 3 Taryn Willett, OH; 4 Josh Glass, IN; 5 Anna Richards, TX; 6 Katelyn Stermer, IL; 7 Shelby Owens, OH;

Dolls 11: 1 Erika Davis, VA; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Josilyn Sacks, NV; 4 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 5 Olga Neyman, GA; 6 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 7 Julie Lim, TX; 8 Rachel Rust, NC;

Games 7-9: 1 Katie Sanders, OH; 2 Ellie Cooney, OH; 3 Sarabeth Stretcher, OH; 4 Micah Valliere, ME; 5 Marc Cugnon, VA; 6 Natalie Whitsett, OH; 7 Christina Lauck, OH; 8 Evan Draim, VA;

Games 10: 1 Taryn Willett, OH; 2 Michael Atkinson, NJ; 3 Matthew England, MO; 4 Richard Dietz, TX; Samantha Goldfarb, OH;

Games 11: 1 Alicia Gresla, IL; 2 Quinn Stewart, CA; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 5 Grace Caudle, VA; 6 Leaha Wynn, GA;

Games 12: 1 Brittani Sexton, OH; 2 Travis Sturgill-Trahan, FL; 3 Stephen White, FL; 4 Lance Faulkner, WY;

Glass 10: 1 Anna Richards, TX; 2 Sarah Thompson, TX;

Glass 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC;

Glass 12: Jessica Lahurd, OH;

Jewelry 7-9: Anna Delamerced, OH; 2 Meg Schloemer, VA; 3 Nadia Saeed, FL; 4 Shannon Weir, VA; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Jenna Galletta, OH; 7 Maria Cascio, VA; 8 Ryan Ochoa, VA; 9 Caroline Myer, FL; 10 Alexandra Rojek, IL;

Jewelry 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Anna Richards, TX; 3 Kenneson Chen, VA; 4 Lydia Thornburg, IN; 5 Sarah Thompson, TX; 6 Amy Lin, CA; 7 Taylor Locks, VA; 8 Michelle Gardner, NJ; 9 Tavon Starr, VA;

Jewelry 11: 1 Olga Neyman, GA; 2 Katie Junge, WY; 3 Maddie Kusch-Kavanagh, KY; 4 Happy Ghosh, IN; 5 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 6 Rebekah Rust, NC; 7 Lindsay Barleycorn, LA; 8 Rachel Rust, NC; 9 Remy Watts, IL; 10 Lauren Causey, LA;

Jewelry 12: 1 Meredith Barnes, OH; 2 Ariana Bostwick, OH; 3 Brittani Sexton, OH; 4 Marja Norberg, IL; 5 Anna Bibens, TX;

Large Models 7-9: 1 Mari Huffman, TX; 2 Ryan Ochoa, VA; 3 Mikayla Rogers, KY; 4 Henry Johnson, VA; 5 Anna Delamerced, OH; 6 Ben Lassiter, SC; 7 Paul Lederer, IL; 8 Tom Zhang, IN; 9 Ben Lerner, MA; 10 Will Mullany, VA;

Large Models 10: 1 Seonag Doherty, FL; 2 Zacke Naughton, IL; 3 Blayne Bogart, WY; 4 Matt Brennan, IL; 5 Josh Glass, IN; 6 Emily Kelly, IL;

Large Models 11: 1 Catherine Mollmann, OH; 2 Sam Daniel, NC; 3 Ryan Qualizza, IN; 4 Noah Ford-Dunker, ND; 5 Athavan Soundranayagam, TX;

Large Models 12: 1 Alex Terwelp, MO; 2 Brittani Sexton, OH;

Mosaics 7-9: 1 Meg Schloemer, VA; 2 Maria Cascio, VA; 3 Sarah Keith, VA; 4 Caroline Massaro, GA; 5 Jonathon Catlin, IL; 6 Regina Merrill, OH; 7 Carolyn Boyce, OH; 8 Megan Funk, OH; 9 Katie Sanders, OH; 10 Grace Thomas, MA;

Mosaics 10: 1 Ainsley McWilliams, OH; 2 Josh Glass, IN; 3 Emily Novak, IL; 4 Niketu Patel, FL; 5 Elizabeth Szymanski, IN; 6 Kevin Koreman, IL; 7 Jessica Durham, OH; 8 Becky Segriff, IL; 9 Anna Richards, TX;

Mosaics 11: 1 Neil Menon, OH; 2 Erin Umhoefer, WI; 3 Olga Neyman, GA; 4 Chris Koepsel, IL; 5 Katie Junge, WY; 6 Laura Peterson, MO; 7 Maurice Boetger, FL; 8 Jessica Denson, VA; 9 Catherine Mollmann, OH; 10 Crystal Luttrell, VA;

Mosaics 12: 1 William Kinkley, IN;

Pottery 7-9: Sarah Rust, NC; 2 Kimberly Lawyer, VA; 3 Maria Cascio, VA; 4 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 5 Hannah Tufts, VA; 6 Melissa Kelley, OH; 7 Shannon Weir, VA; 8 Grace Thomas, MA; 9 Allison Killea, FL; 10 Patrick Londa, MA;

Pottery 10: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Taryn Willett, OH; 3 Maggie Thatcher, OH; 4 Josh Glass, IN; 5 Luci Simon, OH;

Pottery 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Kelly Lawyer, VA; 3 Ryan Qualizza, IN; 4 Raquel Zacherl, IN; 5 Kelsey Petrey, OH; 6 Rachel Rust, NC; 7 Jennifer Warren, TX; 8 Kathryn Weltzin, VA; 9 Anna Lohmann, WI;

Pottery 12: 1 Griffin Marsh, WY; 2 David Mahin, OH;

Sculpture 7-9: 1 Catherine Liu, FL; 2 Sarah Clark, TX; 3 Meg Schloemer, VA; 4 Patrick Londa, MA; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Will Mullany, VA; 7 Jenna Galletta, OH; 8 Paige Stecklair, NJ; 9 Grace Thomas, MA; 10 Rachel Argo, OH;

Sculpture 10: 1 David Kondner, VA; 2 Taryn Willett, OH; 3 Josh Glass, IN; 4 Maggie Thatcher, OH; 5 Michelle Gardner, NJ;

Sculpture 11: 1 Henry Skupniewicz, WI; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Kelsey Petrey, OH; 4 Alyx Roseman, GA; 5 Sam Daniel, NC; 6 Olga Neyman, GA; 7 Raquel Zacherl, IN;

Sculpture 12: 1 Sarah co*ker, VA; 2 Richard Fink, TX; 3 Meredith Barnes, OH; 4 Christopher Chan, MA; 5 Brittani Sexton, OH; 6 Kara Gordon, CO; 7 David Mahin, OH; 8 Maggie Marshall, VA;

Small Models 7-9: 1 Eric Schneider, IL; 2 Ben Lassiter, SC; 3 Alex Hinton, VA; 4 Joey Neuenschwander, OH; 5 Allison Killea, FL; 6 Patrick Londa, MA; 7 Makenzie Magaro, VA; 8 Ratna Gill, VA;

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Fall 2008

Small Models 10: 1 Shelby Owens, OH; 2 Jennifer Murray, FL; 3 Bridget Illing, IL; 4 Josh Glass, IN; 5 Stacey LaRiviere, VA; 6 Blayne Bogart, WY;

Small Models 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Olga Neyman, GA; 3 Kristen Remley, IN; 4 Rachel Rust, NC; 5 Sam Daniel, NC;

Small Models 12: 1 Alex Terwelp, MO;

Textiles 7-9: Katelyn Schultz, VA; 2 Patrick Londa, MA; 3 Grace Thomas, MA;

Textiles 10: 1 Kelly Schmidt, OH; 2 Nicole Frank, NJ; 3 Emma Leahy, VA; 4 Anna Richards, TX; 5 Brittany Clark, GA; 6 Elizabeth Hess, NJ;

Textiles 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Kaycie Coy, NC; 3 Neil Menon, OH;

Textiles 12: 1 Lance Faulkner, WY;

Impromptu Art 7-9: Michael Loftus, IL; 2 Sarah Geshwender, IL; Reid Swanger, TX; 3 Emily Goodwin, OK; 4 Marissa Krzysko, IL; 5 Jenna Galletta, OH; Allison McKown, CA; 6 David Bonine, TX; 7 Alexandra Blasch, IL; 8 Maria Cascio, VA; 9 Sarah Rust, NC; 10 Martina Bright, IL;

Impromptu Art 10: 1 Daniel Kasper, TN; 2 Anne Marie Creighton, VA; 3 Jessica Yeung, FL; 4 Jennifer Murray, FL; Tina Ng, FL; 5 Julia Huth, GA; 6 Janaki Perera, FL; 7 Devin Kees, PA; 8 Taryn Willett, OH; 9 Amy Lin, CA; 10 Kevin Koreman, IL;

Impromptu Art 11: 1 Annie Parker, TX; 2 Vivian Wu, TX; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Henry Skupniewicz, WI; 5 Mary Dunkelberger, FL; 6 Chris Powell, TX; 7 Charlie O’Hara, IL; 8 Elizabeth Cutler, CA; 9 Margaret Steindorf, WI; 10 Curtis Feronti, TX;

Impromptu Art 12: 1 Grace Jeong, GA; 2 Jessi Wood, MO; 3 Lyndsey Moulds, TX; 4 Meryem Dede, OH; 5 Kirstin Ohlsen, FL; 6 Emily Forney, OH; 7 Jane Bialek, IL; 8 Ella Fishman, CA; 9 Marcinina Alvaran, IL;

Multimedia 7-9: 1 Sarah Rust, NC; 2 Will Mullany, VA; 3 Ben Woodruff, FL; 4 Mark Samaan, OH; 5 Evan Draim, VA; 6 Brittany Krowiarz, IN; 7 Naveen Kemraj, TX; 8 Myles Casanas, OH;

Multimedia 10-12: 1 Rachel Rust, NC; 2 Colton Childers, NC; 3 James Carroll, MA; Dylan Drolette, MA; Christopher Londa, MA; Grace Thomas, MA; 4 Daniel Subak, FL; 5 Devin Kees, PA; 6 Ryan Qualizza, IN; 7 Travis Sturgill-Trahan, FL; 8 Tony Lee, GA; Parth Sehgal, GA; 9 Christopher Chan, MA; 10 Lauren Causey, LA;

Computer Photo 7-9: 1 Sarah Shahawy, FL; 2 Alexandra Rojek, IL; 3 Rachel Stillman, MA; 4 Carson Graham, FL; 5 Brittany Kwolek, VA; 6 Anna Delamerced, OH; 7 Aakash Patel, IL; 8 Makenzie Magaro, VA; 9 Brennan Kuster, TN; 10 William Donovan, OH;

Computer Photo 10: 1 Devin Kees, PA; 2 Cody Simons, TN; 3 Haley Williams, OH; 4 Klariza

Alvaran, IL; Samantha Goldfarb, OH; 5 Matt Brennan, IL; 6 Emma Leahy, VA; 7 Olivia Schutte, OH; 8 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 9 Zach Bakal, IL;

Computer Photo 11: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; 3 Julie Lim, TX; 5 Wesley Wood, IN; 6 Grace Caudle, VA; 7 Rachel Rust, NC; 8 Kailyn Rogers, MO; 9 Katie Blood, PA; 10 Jake Holliday, OK;

Computer Photo 12: 1 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 2 Yasir Malik, IN; 3 Kurtis Butler, WY; 4 David Mahin, OH; 5 Richey Mastrovalerio, NV; 6 Daniel Subak, FL; 7 Dallas Simons, TN; 8 Abdullah Malik, IN; 9 Elizabeth Esborn, MA; 10 Stephen White, FL;

Traditional Photo 7-9: 1 Sarah Rust, NC; 2 Anna Delamerced, OH; 3 Carmen Siew, IN; 4 Brittany Kwolek, VA; 5 Sarah Shahawy, FL; 6 Trace Turner, TX; 7 Derek Booth, MA; 8 Sarah Kaehler, OH; 9 Laura Schoettmer, OH; 10 Katie Sanders, OH;

Traditional Photo 10: 1 Cody Simons, TN; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Derek Oesterheld, VA; 4 Taylor Locks, VA; 5 Michael Atkinson, NJ; 6 Kendra Chalkley, WY; 7 Amanda Schneider, CT; 8 Amith Ananthram, VA; 9 Liza McIntosh, IL; 10 Matt Brennan, IL;

Traditional Photo 11: 1 Annie Parker, TX; 2 Rachel Rust, NC; 3 Skye Jones, GA; 4 Julie Lim, TX; 5 Rebekah Rust, NC; 6 Wesley Wood, IN; 7 Christina Wallin, VA; 8 Ramsey Hardin, SC; 9 Lauren Causey, LA; 10 Jennifer Warren, TX;

Traditional Photo 12: 1 Kurtis Butler, WY; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 David Mahin, OH; 4 Ariana Bostwick, OH; 5 Claudia Hochstein, IL; 6 Seth Wand, KY; 7 Abdullah Malik, IN; 8 Ella Fishman, CA; 9 Clarissa Vinciguerra, NJ; 10 Yasir Malik, IN;

Digital Scrapbook 10-12: 1 Emma Leahy, VA; 2 Kristen Remley, IN;

Digital Scrapbook State: 1 Joseph Steven, WI; 2 Angel Bernadas, TX; 3 Sarah Best, TN; 4 Jamie Lowe, GA; 5 Emily Novak, IL; 6 Mary Lee Ptacek, MO; 7 Celeste Henkelmann, LA;

Traditional Scrapbook Small: 1 Park Street Collegiate Institute , ON; 2 Banting Memorial High School , ON; 3 Master’s Academy , NC; 4 Master’s Academy Middle School , NC; 5 Orange County - Cedar Ridge High School , NC; 6 Homestead High School , IN; 7 Woodridge High School , OH; 8 Naperville North High School , IL; 9 John T. Hoggard High School , NC; 10 W. J. Christian School , AL;

Traditional Scrapbook Medium: 1 St. Francis Catholic High School , FL; 2 McAuley High School , OH; 3 Upper Dublin High School , PA; 4 Brookfield Academy , WI; 5 Van Alstyne High School , TX; 6 Lincoln High School , FL; 7 James Madison High School , TX; 8 Menlo School , CA; 9 Northside College Preparatory High School , IL;

Traditional Scrapbook Large: 1 Boston Latin Academy , MA; 2 Midlothian High School , VA; East Forsyth High School , NC; 3 Woodbridge High School , CA; 4 Flint Hill School , VA; 5 Brownsburg High School , IN; 6 Crown Point High School , IN; 7 Ronald Reagan High School , TX; 8 Clearview Regional High School , NJ; 9 Fairview High School , CO; 10 Wyoming High School , OH;

Traditional Scrapbook State: 1 Massachusetts , MA; 2 Virginia , VA; 3 North Carolina , NC; 4 Ohio , OH; 5 Kentucky , KY; 6 Arizona , AZ; 7 Florida , FL; 8 Indiana , IN; 9 New Jersey , NJ; 10 North Dakota , ND;

T-Shirt: Best Overall: 1 Massachusetts , MA; 2 Indiana , IN; 3 Illinois , IL; 4 Virginia , VA; 5 Wisconsin , WI;

T-Shirt: Best Use of Theme: 1 Massachusetts , MA; 2 Virginia , VA; 3 Indiana , IN; 4 Maine , ME; 5 Wisconsin , WI;

T-Shirt: Best Visual: 1 North Dakota , ND; 2 Wisconsin , WI; 3 Missouri , MO; 4 Massachusetts , MA; 5 New Jersey , NJ;

T-Shirt: Most Creative: 1 Massachusetts , MA; 2 Illinois , IL; 3 Indiana , IN; 4 Virginia , VA; 5 Louisiana , LA;

100 Meter Jr. Girls Track: 1 Marissa Krzysko, IL; 2 Jinny Park, GA; 3 Hannah Tufts, VA; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Danielle Chin, NJ; 6 Shannon Weir, VA; 7 Zara Callahan, MO; 8 Sarah Rust, NC; 9 Sarah Clark, TX;

100 Meter Sr. Girls Track: 1 Anna Parks, IL; 2 Eugina White, LA; 3 Victoria Goldfarb, OH; 4 Maria Centeio, MA; 5 Malika Dickson, MA; 6 Serena Karraker, MO; 7 Shantel Moten, FL; 8 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 9 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 10 Rebekah Rust, NC;

100 Meter Jr. Boys Track: 1 Myles Casanas, OH; 2 Mark Davis, IL; 3 Jake Finan, NJ; 4 Mitchell

Longfellow, ME; 5 Bill Klemmer, WI; 6 Elliot Wilson, MO; 7 Evan Piccirillo, ME; 8 Charlie Dennis, TX; 9 Savrabh Sharma, IN; 10 Ben Woodruff, FL;

100 Meter Sr. Boys Track: 1 Brendon Walsh, TX; 2 Chase Riddle, IL; 3 Christopher Londa, MA; 4 John Green, VA; 5 Zan Syed, GA; 6 Don Lee, GA; 7 Michael Rizzo, MO; 8 Spencer Sartain, TN; 9 Jake Moore, TN; 10 Cody Simons, TN;

200 Meter Jr. Girls Track: 1 Stephanie Wang, OH; 2 Hannah Park, TN; 3 Danielle Chin, NJ;

200 Meter Sr. Girls Track: 1 Anna Parks, IL; 2 Eugina White, LA; 3 Domonique Ramos, TX; 4 Maria Centeio, MA; 5 Kirsten Gardley, TX;

200 Meter Jr. Boys Track: 1 Ryan Jones, TX; 2 Luke Rossi, IL; 3 Elliot Endres, WI; 4 Myles Casanas, OH; 5 Tim Devlin, MA; 6 Jake Finan, NJ; 7 Evan Piccirillo, ME; 8 Mitchell Longfellow, ME; 9 Phelan Spence, KY; 10 Patrick Londa, MA;

200 Meter Sr. Boys Track: 1 Brendon Walsh, TX; 2 John Green, VA; 3 Chase Riddle, IL; 4 Don Lee, GA; 5 Christopher Londa, MA; 6 Spencer Sartain, TN; 7 Jared Hicks, MA; 8 Joshua Echebiri, TX; 9 Spencer Zaghikian, GA; 10 Jake Moore, TN;

400 Meter Jr. Girls Track: 1 Sydney Jones, WI; 2 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 3 Rebecca Bakal, IL; 4 Hannah Park, TN;

400 Meter Sr. Girls Track: 1 Anna Parks, IL; 2 Amanda Doyle, WI; 3 Eugina White, LA;

400 Meter Jr. Boys Track: 1 Ryan Jones, TX; 2 Evan Piccirillo, ME; 3 Eric Schneider, IL; 4 Joseph Deharde, TN; 5 Ben Woodruff, FL;

400 Meter Sr. Boys Track: 1 Chase Riddle, IL; 2 D J DeWitt, IL; 3 Zan Syed, GA; 4 Michael Rizzo, MO; 5 Spencer Zaghikian, GA; 6 Robert Waguespack, TX; 7 Spencer Sartain, TN; 8 Ravi Vemula, IN;

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Marathon Jr. Girls: 1 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 2 Peggy Humes, OK; 3 Allison Killea, FL; 4 Zara Callahan, MO;

Marathon Sr. Girls: 1 Liza McIntosh, IL; 2 Anna Parks, IL; 3 Grace Caudle, VA; 4 Emily Kelly, IL; 5 Victoria Pisini, ME; 6 Amanda Doyle, WI; 7 Eugina White, LA; 8 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 9 Victoria Goldfarb, OH; 10 Allison Gray, OH;

Marathon Jr. Boys: 1 Evan Piccirillo, ME; 2 Joseph Deharde, TN; 3 Zachary Hall, MA; 4 Mitchell

Longfellow, ME; 5 Donald Meyer, KY; 6 Tom Jennings, IL; 7 Jacob Tinnin, TX; 8 Aaron Presley, TX;

Marathon Sr. Boys: 1 Jonathan Kittaka, IL; 2 Ethan Rosenblum, FL; 3 Daniel Schwartz, GA; 4 David Warrington, VA; 5 Robert Waguespack, TX; 6 D J DeWitt, IL; 7 Jonathan Wang, FL; 8 Harold Jaffe, IL; 9 Jared Hicks, MA; 10 James Haworth, IN;

Long Jump Jr. Girls: 1 Grace Thomas, MA;

Long Jump Sr. Girls: Maria Centeio, MA; Victoria Pisini, ME; 2 Rebekah Rust, NC; 3 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 4 Serena Karraker, MO;

Long Jump Jr. Boys: 1 Ryan Jones, TX; 2 Daniel Jamieson, WI; 3 Dillon Treacy, WI; 4 Kiefer Johnson, SC; 5 Ben Lassiter, SC; 6 Patrick Londa, MA;

Long Jump Sr. Boys: 1 Brendon Walsh, TX; 2 Nathan Elbert, MD; 3 Chase Riddle, IL; 4 James Carroll, MA; 5 Ravi Vemula, IN; 6 Cody Simons, TN; 7 Zan Syed, GA; 8 Conn Wiseman, NJ; 9 Christopher Londa, MA; 10 Spencer Sartain, TN;

High Jump Jr. Girls: 1 Alexandra Blasch, IL; 2 Zara Callahan, MO; 3 Rebecca Bakal, IL;

High Jump Sr. Girls: 1 Vanessa Colon, CT; 2 Eugina White, LA;

High Jump Jr. Boys: 1 Ryan Jones, TX; 2 John Deis, KY;

High Jump Sr. Boys: 1 Christopher Londa, MA; 2 Chase Riddle, IL; 3 James Carroll, MA; 4 Matt Chastang, OH; Steven Gibson, NJ; David Mahin, OH; 5 Brendon Walsh, TX; 6 Ben Cassin, LA; 7 Cody Simons, TN; 8 Don Lee, GA;

Shot Put Jr. Girls: 1 Brittany Johann, NJ; 2 Joy Walls, AL; 3 Sarah Rust, NC; 4 Candace Williams, AL; 5 Zara Callahan, MO; 6 Grace Thomas, MA;

Shot Put Sr. Girls: 1 Malika Dickson, MA; 2 Anna Parks, IL; 3 Jessica Durham, OH; 4 Rebekah Rust, NC; 5 Michelle Gardner, NJ; 6 Nicole Frank, NJ; 7 Laura Sroka, FL;

Shot Put Jr. Boys: 1 John Deis, KY; 2 Patrick Londa, MA; 3 Phelan Spence, KY; 4 Derek Booth, MA; 5 Harris Stevens, NC; 6 Donald Meyer, KY;

Shot Put Sr. Boys: 1 Cody Simons, TN; 2 Tim Koenig, OH; 3 Neil Menon, OH; 4 Dallas Simons, TN; 5 Ismael Tavares, MA; 6 Ian Szydlo, ME; 7 Michael Howard, MA; 8 Henock Woldemicael, MA;

Discus Jr. Girls: 1 Brittany Johann, NJ; 2 Claire Niemann, VA; Stephanie Wang, OH; 3 Sarah Rust, NC; Grace Thomas, MA;

Discus Sr. Girls: 1 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 2 Michelle Gardner, NJ; Serena Karraker, MO; Victoria Pisini, ME; Clarissa Vinciguerra, NJ; 3 Sophia Alice, NJ; Nicole Frank, NJ; 4 Maria Centeio, MA; 5 Rebekah Rust, NC;

Discus Jr. Boys: 1 Ben Lassiter, SC; 2 Derek Booth, MA; 3 Ethan Hoksch, ME; Graeme Willmott, IL; 4 John Deis, KY; Patrick Londa, MA; Harris Stevens, NC; 5 Savrabh Sharma, IN;

Discus Sr. Boys: 1 Kyle Markwalter, VA; 2 Tim Koenig, OH; 3 James Carroll, MA; Steven Gibson, NJ; 4 Conn Wiseman, NJ; Spencer Zaghikian, GA; 5 Jake Moore, TN; Brendon Walsh, TX; 6 Ben Cassin, LA; Christopher Londa, MA; Neil Menon, OH; Ian Szydlo, ME;

50-yard Freestyle Jr. Girls: 1 Mary Mussman, IL; 2 Allison Wintring, KY; 3 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 4 Sarah Clark, TX; 5 Stephanie Chastang, OH; 6 Grace Thomas, MA; 7 Zara Callahan, MO;

50-yard Freestyle Sr. Girls: 1 Kimberley Henze, ND; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 4 Katie Blood, PA; 5 Laura Ralph, IL; 6 Stephanie Grote, TX; 7 Kaitlin Bennett, TX; Eugina White, LA; 8 Angela LeBlanc, LA; 9 Kylie Hornbeck, MO;

50-yard Freestyle Jr. Boys: 1 Sam Howes, IL; 2 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 3 Ethan Hoksch, ME; 4 John Deis, KY; 5 Patrick Leighton, IL; 6 Ben Lovell, TN; 7 Elliot Wilson, MO; 8 Carson Graham, FL; 9 Evan Piccirillo, ME; 10 Colin Green-Barrera, GA;

50-yard Freestyle Sr. Boys: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Spencer Sartain, TN; 3 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 4 David Warrington, VA; 5 Richard Fink, TX; 6 Josh Glass, IN; 7 Cody Simons, TN; 8 Kenny Puk, GA; 9 Brendon Walsh, TX; 10 P J Rivera, FL;

100-yard Freestyle Jr. Girls: 1 Rachel Baumann, ND; 2 Mary Mussman, IL; 3 Sarah Clark, TX;

100-yard Freestyle Sr. Girls: 1 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Laura Ralph, IL; 4 Stephanie Grote, TX; 5 Lauren Dean, OH; 6 Angela LeBlanc, LA; 7 Kylie Hornbeck, MO;

100-yard Freestyle Jr. Boys: 1 Sam Howes, IL; 2 Ben Lovell, TN; 3 John Deis, KY;

100-yard Freestyle Sr. Boys: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Spencer Sartain, TN; 3 David Warrington, VA; 4 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 5 Josh Glass, IN; 6 P J Rivera, FL; 7 A J Snapp, ME; 8 Titus Severance, FL;

50-yard Backstroke Jr. Girls: 1 Rachel Baumann, ND; 2 Ashton Yarnall, VA; 3 Sarah Clark, TX; 4 Grace Thomas, MA;

50-yard Backstroke Sr. Girls: 1 Christine Walsh, TX; 2 Laura Ralph, IL; 3 Lauren Dean, OH; 4 Eugina White, LA; 5 Remy Watts, IL; 6 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 7 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 8 Paige Abrams, FL; 9 Rebekah Rust, NC;

50-yard Backstroke Jr. Boys: 1 Ethan Hoksch, ME; 2 Evan Piccirillo, ME;

50-yard Backstroke Sr. Boys: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 3 Spencer Sartain, TN; 4 Brad Schieve, OH; 5 Cody Simons, TN; 6 David Warrington, VA; 7 Josh Glass, IN; 8 P J Rivera, FL; 9 A J Snapp, ME;

100-yard Backstroke Sr. Girls: 1 Christine Walsh, TX; 2 Laura Ralph, IL; 3 Eugina White, LA; 4 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 5 Angela LeBlanc, LA;

100-yard Backstroke Jr. Boys: 1 Ethan Hoksch, ME;

100-yard Backstroke Sr. Boys: Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Spencer Sartain, TN; 3 Cody Simons, TN; 4 A J Snapp, ME;

50-yard Butterfly Jr. Girls: 1 Rachel Baumann, ND; 2 Mary Mussman, IL; 3 Allison Wintring, KY; 4 Ashton Yarnall, VA;

50-yard Butterfly Sr. Girls: 1 Christine Walsh, TX; 2 Kimberley Henze, ND; 3 Laura Ralph, IL; 4 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 5 Stephanie Grote, TX; 6 Katie Blood, PA; 7 Angela LeBlanc, LA; 8 Remy Watts, IL; 9 Kaitlin Bennett, TX; 10 Eugina White, LA;

50-yard Butterfly Jr. Boys: 1 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 2 Ethan Hoksch, ME; 3 Colin Green-Barrera, GA;

50-yard Butterfly Sr. Boys: 1 Spencer Sartain, TN; Dallas Simons, TN; 2 David Warrington, VA; 3 Brad Schieve, OH; 4 Josh Glass, IN; 5 Kenny Puk, GA; 6 P J Rivera, FL;

50-yd Breaststroke Jr. Girls: 1 Mary Mussman, IL; 2 Ashton Murphy, TX; 3 Hannah Griese, KY; 4 Sarah Rust, NC;

50-yd Breaststroke Sr. Girls: 1 Kirsten Gardley, TX; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 4 Stephanie Grote, TX; 5 Eugina White, LA; 6 Melissa Montrowl, FL;

50-yd Breaststroke Jr. Boys: 1 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 2 Patrick Leighton, IL; 3 John Deis, KY; 4 Colin Green-Barrera, GA;

olympika results

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Fall 2008olympika results

Individual AchievementAcademics: 1 Evan Draim, VA; Christopher Husch, CA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Ketan

Ramakrishnan, WI; 4 Jacob Meister, MA; 5 Andrew Margrave, TX; 6 Naveen Kemraj, TX; Emma Leahy, VA; 7 Isaiah Spinney, VA; 8 Sarah Best, TN; 9 Derek Booth, MA; Matthew Byrd, FL; Jose Molina, FL; Carl Pattison, TN; 10 Graydon Daubert, TX;

Creative Arts: 1 Ingrid Heidelberger, VA; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 Mary Mussman, IL; 4 Adam Swiatlowski, IL; 5 Zachary Hall, MA; 6 Julie Zauzmer, PA; 7 John Grimm, OH; 8 Harold Jaffe, IL; Elizabeth Mee Jay, IL; Kimberly Lawyer, VA; Andrew McCaffrey, OH; Leaha Wynn, GA; 9 Jennifer Friedmann, IL; Allison Killea, FL; Amy Lin, CA; Jacob Meister, MA; Ryan Reynolds, CA; 10 Jenny Chen, PA; Elizabeth Szymanski, IN;

Graphic Arts: 1 Rebekah Rust, NC; 2 Emma Leahy, VA; 3 David Mahin, OH; 4 Grace Thomas, MA; 5 Sarah Rust, NC; 6 Jessica Lahurd, OH; 7 Taryn Willett, OH; 8 Meredith Barnes, OH; 9 Lindsay Heisler, OH; 10 Sarah co*ker, VA;

Olympika: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Spencer Sartain, TN; 4 Kirsten Gardley, TX; Anna Parks, IL; 5 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 6 John Deis, KY; Ethan Hoksch, ME; 7 Eugina White, LA; 8 Rachel Baumann, ND; Ryan Jones, TX; 9 Chase Riddle, IL; 10 Mary Mussman, IL; Cody Simons, TN;

Sweepstakes: 1 Emma Laehy, VA; 2 Dallas Simons, TN; 3 Rebekah Rust, NC; 4 Evan Draim, VA; 5 Christopher Husch, CA; 6 Jacob Meister; 7 Sarah Rust, NC; 8 Grace Thomas, MA; 9 David Mahin, OH; 10 Ketan Ramakrishnan, WI; 10 Cody Simons, TN.

Teacher's CornerThe 2009 Convention costume characters are:

Boys — Pluto Girls — Ceres Couple — Antony & Cleopatra

50-yd Breaststroke Sr. Boys: 1 Spencer Sartain, TN; Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Cihangir Okuyan, NJ; 3 Cody Simons, TN; 4 Brad Schieve, OH; 5 Richard Fink, TX; 6 David Mahin, OH; 7 P J Rivera, FL; 8 Jake Moore, TN; 9 Brendon Walsh, TX;

100-yard Medley Jr. Girls: 1 Rachel Baumann, ND;

100-yard Medley Sr. Girls: Kirsten Gardley, TX; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Stephanie Grote, TX; 4 Angela LeBlanc, LA; 5 Elizabeth Hess, NJ;

100-yard Medley Jr. Boys: 1 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 2 Ethan Hoksch, ME; 3 Patrick Leighton, IL; 4 Elliot Wilson, MO;

100-yard Medley Sr. Boys: 1 Dallas Simons, TN; 2 David Warrington, VA; 3 Spencer Sartain, TN; 4 Cody Simons, TN; 5 P J Rivera, FL;

200-yard Freestyle Jr. Girls: 1 Sarah Rust, NC;

200-yard Freestyle Sr. Girls: Kirsten Gardley, TX; 2 Christine Walsh, TX; 3 Stephanie Grote, TX; 4 Elizabeth Hess, NJ;

200-yard Freestyle Jr. Boys: 1 Stephen McMurtry, KY;

200-yard Freestyle Sr. Boys: Dallas Simons, TN; 2 Cody Simons, TN; 3 Josh Glass, IN; 4 Spencer Sartain, TN; 5 P J Rivera, FL;

Ludi Volleyball: 1 Illinois , IL; 2 Ohio , OH; 3 Wisconsin , WI; 4 New Jersey , NJ;

Ludi Soccer: 1 Illinois , IL; 2 Florida , FL; 3 Tennessee , TN; Kentucky , KY; 4 Ohio , OH;

Ludi Basketball: 1 Ohio , OH; 2 Texas , TX; 3 Illinois , IL; 4 Louisiana , LA; Kentucky , KY; Alabama , AL;

Ludi Chess - Lower: 1 Zachary Malloy, ME; 2 Jay Sullivan, TX; 3 John Swalec, ME; 4 Shelby Owens, OH;

Ludi Chess - Middle: 1 Alex Kendall, TX; 2 Zach Bakal, IL; 3 Ethan Coursey, KY; 4 Michael Lilien, IL;

Ludi Chess - Upper: 1 Anna Delamerced, OH; 2 Jacob Schafer, TN;

Ludi Ultimate Frisbee: 1 Illinois , IL; 2 California , CA; 3 Florida , FL; 4 Virginia , VA;

800 Meter Jr. Boys Track: 1 John Deis, KY; 2 Donald Meyer, KY; 3 Stephen McMurtry, KY; 4 Ben Woodruff, FL;

800 Meter Sr. Boys Track: 1 Nathan Elbert, MD; 2 David Mahin, OH; 3 D J DeWitt, IL; 4 Robert Waguespack, TX; 5 Zan Syed, GA; 6 Jackson Chan, MA; 7 Don Lee, GA; 8 Jake Moore, TN; 9 Matt Chastang, OH; 10 Spencer Sartain, TN;

800 Meter Jr. Girls Track: 1 Lena White, GA; 2 Sydney Jones, WI; 3 Catherine Bousquet, TX; 4 Sloane Smith, GA;

800 Meter Sr. Girls Track: 1 Anna Parks, IL; 2 Alexandra Scanameo, FL; 3 Amanda Doyle, WI; 4 Kylie Hornbeck, MO; 5 Amanda Schneider, CT; 6 Quinn Milby, GA.

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2008 photo collage

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teacher's corner

The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on theNASSP National Advisory List of Contests and Activities for 2008-2009.

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) recommends the National Mythology Exam.

Excellence Through Classicsis a subcommittee of the

American Classical Leaguefor the promotion and support of

Elementary, Middle School &Introductory Classics Programs.

ETC is proud to sponsor theNATIONAL MYTHOLOGY EXAM


For more information, please

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2008 parting shot

See you next year in California! July 27 - August 1, 2009 at University of California Davisfortuna nobis vi animi tantum frenabitur

"the level of our success is limited only by our imagination" — Aesop

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.