facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (2024)

facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (5)

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Arduino protocol

Inertial Head Tracker




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  • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (6)

    Sebastian- 2014-06-09

    Do you have same pitch spike in calibration software after axis calibration?

    • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (7)

      doveman- 2014-06-10

      Yep, seems so. This screenshot shows Pan moving with Roll from about 1300 onwards on the horizontal axis. The pan axis is confusing as it seems move based on acceleration, so that if I turn the board fast it will move a lot but then move back to the original position by itself, so the plot doesn't appear to actually show the current pan, tilt or roll positions. In this respect, I think the MultiWii GUI was probably easier to understand for HeadTracking purposes, as it showed current orientation of the axis.


      I also noticed the Pan (Yaw) line changes when Tilting the board (Pitch) and the Tilt line changes quite a lot when Tilting it forward but barely at all when Tilting it backwards. The Pan line changes a lot whichever way I Tilt the board though, as shown here where I was alternately Tilting it forwards and backwards.


      • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (8)

        Sebastian- 2014-06-11

        Are you aware that you board to GY orientation is 180 degrees rotated (in compare what is with DIY)? That will influence how you should do your calibration. You can still do calibration you just need to rotate your board accordingly to pictures.

        • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (9)

          doveman- 2014-06-11

          Sorry, I don't understand. The Pan, Tilt and Roll axes are all the same aren't they? So if I Pan when it tells me to Pan, Tilt when it tells me to Tilt and Roll when it tells me to Roll, it should all calibrate properly shouldn't it?

          EDIT: I flashed the MultiWii firmware and had a look at what that shows when I move the board. I took these screenshots before calibrating in MultiWii, which might not be useful but maybe it will reflect anything odd in the calibration stored by HeadTrackerGUI:


          It looks like the first two, pitching the board, show that the Acc Z and Mag Yaw change and stay in the new position whilst I hold the board there. The third one, Rolling the board, shows the same, with Mag Pitch added to the other two.

          Then I calibrated and took these:


          The Pitch Backwards shows significant change on the ACC Roll and Z, MAG Roll and Yaw and HEAD readings. Likewise for Pitch Forwards, except for the HEAD reading which doesn't change much from the FLAT position.

          Roll Left gives me significant change on the ACC Pitch and Z, MAG Pitch and Yaw and HEAD readings.

          With Yaw Left, the only significant change seems to be on the HEAD reading.

          With all axis/readings, they seem to stay changed whilst I hold the board in the various positions and I don't see anything moving back to the starting position by itself, as I did with Pan in HeadTrackerGUI.

          Last edit: doveman 2014-06-11

          • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (10)

            Sebastian- 2014-06-11

            Actually it is important for calibration where is your front, back up and down... On ARMA forum Captain has very nice steady readings in all 3 axis on micro but with GY-80 (made update). Although he got also some issues with FTR but it may be to axis assignments. We will see.


            Captain manage to run it on Micro with FTR so it is possible.

            BTW you have Yaw on RotX, pitch RotY and Roll on RotZ (just confirming as it was Captain issue ;) ).

            Last edit: Sebastian 2014-06-11

            • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (11)

              doveman- 2014-06-11

              I've flashed the Micro01 FTR firmware again but not recalibrated with HeadtrackerGUI yet, so it's still using the calibration I did in MultiWii I guess.

              With just Yaw on RotX enabled, Yawing the board left or right gives Raw +/-70 but pitching the board forward gives Yaw +50 as well (no Pitch as that's not enabled yet). Pitching it backwards gives Yaw -10. Rolling the board left/right gives Yaw +25/-40.

              With Pitch on RotY enabled as well, it's the same except now I obviously see Raw Pitch go +/-90 when Pitching the board.

              With Roll on RotZ enabled as well, it's the same except now I obviously see Raw Roll go +/-90 when Rolling the board.

              There doesn't appear to be any other significant incorrect cross-axis reading, it's just the Pitch (forward mostly) causing +50 Yaw and Rolling L/R giving +25/-40 Yaw.

              I'll recalibrate with HeadTrackerGUI again and re-test but I don't understand what I'm meant to do when calibrating to take account of the fact that my GY-85 has the pins nearest to me rather than furthest away like the RC one. I want to avoid resoldering it if possible, as I don't have a desoldering tool and will have to wait until I can see my Dad and ask to borrow his (or ask him to desolder it for me like I did last time!). Each time I de-solder/re-solder it, I risk damaging it with the heat as well, so better if I don't have to.

              • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (12)

                Sebastian- 2014-06-12

                Well with calibration from MultiWii you cant run DIY software as I have no idea what kind of garbage is in EEPROM (multiwii and DIY may use similar memory area in EEPROM but it does not mean they keep same data there). So first of all you need to do proper calibration with DIY software (or clear EEPROM).

                You do not need to do re-soldering. Just during calibration put your board so your usb connector is 180 degrees rotated in compare to what is on calibration picture.

                BTW here is link with mine working https://www.dropbox.com/s/eofs8p71xiho05k/2014-06-11%2014.02.39.mp4

                • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (13)

                  doveman- 2014-06-12

                  Yeah, I thought it might be pointless testing with the MultiWii calibration but then again thought it might show something interesting, so I did it anyway!

                  I've just flashed the Micro01 calibration firmware and like before, Windows popped up the new hardware detection referring to COM20, when the software was on COM19 for uploading and still appears to be afterwards, so that seems to be a weird glitch in Windows, which hopefully isn't important.

                  So good news, I calibrated but with the USB port on the right when the Axis calibration instructions said it should be on the left. Everything else I copied, so tilted it forward when told to, rotated it so components facing right, etc and it seems fine in HeadTracker GUI now, with only a single axis showing movement when I move it in one direction. I also don't see the Yaw axis drifting back to center by itself or bouncing now :)

                  The bad news is after flashing with the FTR firmware, I can't get anything out of FTNoIR, no RAW input or anything. I've enabled just one axis, set it to 57600, plugged it into my monitor instead of my unpowered USB hub in case it needs more power (at least I think my monitor's USB ports are powered by it, it's a Dell U2412M).

                  I'll try again after rebooting, as I recall that helped the other day.

                  Last edit: doveman 2014-06-12

    • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (14)

      Stanisław Halik- 2014-06-09

      Perhaps it's of use to you guys that FreePIE contains AHRS algorithm implementation.

      • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (15)

        doveman- 2014-06-13

        OK, booted into my other, cleaner gaming Windows and still no response in FTNoIR. So I reflashed the FTR firmware and strangely, near the end Windows went looking for a driver on Windows Update, which obviously failed and so did the flash. This was weird as the driver's obviously already installed. So I tried flashing it again and it didn't do it that time.

        After that, it finally seems to be working OK in FTNoIR :) There's a bit too much Roll when Yawing, so I'll probably have to leave Roll disabled but at least Yaw and Pitch seem to be OK, so that's pretty nice.

        EDIT: Yaw and Pitch worked well in DCS World. It was nice not having to deal with my camera losing track of, or merging the LEDs, although I need to build my clip larger to see if that fixes the latter problem. Rather missed being able to zoom in on the co*ckpit though and I can't use facetracking for that at the moment, as I modified my PS3 Eye to remove the IR filter, so it's completely out of focus now.

        For simpler games, where zoom isn't as needed, or where the player is happy to use a rocker or something on their HOTAS to zoom in/out, it seems great though.

        I did find that it stopped working once, not whilst in DCS World but when I tried to start FTNoIR there was no input, so I had to unplug/replug the USB lead and then it worked again. Hopefully it doesn't keep doing this, as that would become a bit annoying!

        Last edit: doveman 2014-06-13

        • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (16)

          Sebastian- 2014-06-15

          Good to hear that you make it to work. I personally do not use roll as it is quite useless in co*ckpit. One of reasons of yaw drift in roll may be that your board is not center of your head (but on top of it). You can try to see if you getting drift if you hold sensor and roll it (so it is a center of rotation).

          Anyway my PS3 Eye is out of focus as well but I can make it focus when switching from far to close (so the switch stay in middle). Another option is to but new one as they are cheap.

          If it did stop working it can be transmission problem again (maybe it will be required to go down with speed again). That is why replugging only helps.

          • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (17)

            Adrian Tysoe- 2014-07-06

            I have EDTrack working sort of via the joystick input plugin for opentrack. Only problem being that I have to use an intermediate util to get coordinate date opentrack understands.

            I just wrote about it on another thread before finding this one.


            EDTracker works great and suppors 3DOF with no drift once calibrated properly. It's MUCH better than using a camera and IR clip if you don't mind missing out on the x,y,z transforms and just having rotation.

            I'm still trying to get a easy setup and think it might be something really simple stopping the joystick output from edtracker not going directly to opentrack without using a vjoy interpreter.

            • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (18)

              doveman- 2014-07-13

              I'm trying to hook up the HC-05 to use Bluetooth now. Didn't have much luck with it wired, kept disappearing or doing other strange things and the COM port changes often when reconnecting the cable, which is a pain as it means I have to go into the settings in FTNoIR each time to change the port.

              Anyway, I'm following this guide http://www.instructables.com/id/Cheap-2-Way-Bluetooth-Connection-Between-Arduino-a/?ALLSTEPS but it's not the clear, as the first picture has the Arduino 5v wired directly to the HC-05 VCC but further down the page it gives the specs for the HC-05 as 'Power supply: +3.3VDC 50mA' and under Step 3 it says 'Bluetooth Vcc -----> Arduino 3.3V pin but NOT the 5V pin.'.

              My Pro Micro doesn't have 3.3v pin, so I tried using the voltage divider, which he's used to lower the Arduino TX from 5v to 3.3v, to also lower the VCC and testing without the HC-05 connected it does read 3.3v between the 2.2k and 1.2k resistors but once the HC-05 is connected, it drops to 1.7v there.

              I'm not sure if the HC-05 is meant to have any lights but none come on and it's not detected by the PC USB dongle anyway, so it's clearly not working.

              So if anyone can help me out, I'd be grateful.

              EDIT: Oh and in the picture here http://www.instructables.com/id/Modify-The-HC-05-Bluetooth-Module-Defaults-Using-A/?ALLSTEPS it shows Arduino Pin 9 wired to HC-05 Key and using Pins 10 and 11 instead of TX0 and RX0.

              I'm not sure if this http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial#.UxIQbXk1jFE means that I should use 10 and 11 instead of TX0 and RX1 (as it's labelled on the Pro Micro)?

              Should the HC-05 be transmitting and picked up just as long as it's powered properly though, or does it need the TX/RX from the Arduino wired correctly before it will transmit?

              Last edit: doveman 2014-07-13

              • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (19)

                doveman- 2014-07-14

                OK, it seems my HC-05 module actually needs 4.5-6v, which it then regulates down to the 3.3v it operates at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191177490626?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

                So taking 5v from the Pro Micro without the voltage divider got it working and detected by my PC. After adding the HC-05 device, Properties shows it has the 'Serial Port (SPP) Dev B' on COM 16. If I look under BT Settings, it shows this as Outgoing and also another line for HC-05 Incoming on COM17.

                However, when I run TeraTerm and try and connect to COM16, it gives an error. It connects on COM17 OK but that seems to be the wrong port to test with, as I get no output from the 'send test' sketch I uploaded to the Pro Micro.

                Going back to the last link in my previous post, maybe it's because I can't use the RX1 pin and need to use Pin 11 for RX. I think the TX0 pin is usable but it's probably easier to just use Pin 10 for TX to keep them together. I don't think the sketch will work with Pins 10 and 11 without modification though will it? Do I just need to add

                #include <SoftwareSerial.h>

                SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11); // RX | TX

                to the start of the sketch?

                EDIT: Actually, the Pro Micro doesn't have a Pin 11, so could I just use this instead?

                SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 14); // RX | TX

                I don't have the Sparkfun Pro Micro but I think it's the same as this one https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pro-micro--fio-v3-hookup-guide/hardware-overview-pro-micro

                Last edit: doveman 2014-07-14

                • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (20)

                  doveman- 2014-07-14

                  Well I tried using

                  SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 15); // RX | TX

                  with 10 going to BT TX and 15 to BT RX as I couldn't get a good connection for the jumper cable on Pin 14. Testing with TeraTerm on Com14, which is the USB port, the sketch works fine and shows the Counter whilst the LED flashes on the Arduino. I still get the error trying to connect to COM16 and no output on COM17 though.

                  • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (21)

                    Petter Wolff- 2014-08-12

                    Hi, trying with a GY-85 and SparkFun Micro here, after disconnecting my MPU6050 (too much drift)
                    I loaded the sketch and connected OK after opening the HeadTracker GUI. And went through a calibration. Getting good values, with correct alignments, in the GUI after having soldered (I had problems with connections through my breadboard...).
                    But like you doveman I get no values in FTNoIR. Any idea as to why? I'm not sure what you did there by 'flashing the FTR firmware' and so on...
                    I have tried loading both the DIY_Headtracker and the FTR version included in the DIY_headtracker_micro_ver0.1.zip file, after calibration, but no go.

                    Last edit: Petter Wolff 2014-08-12

                    • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (22)

                      doveman- 2014-08-14

                      Sorry Petter but I've got no idea why it's not working, if you've flashed the DIY_Headtracker firmware, then calibrated, then flashed the FTR firmware it should work but I had problems with the PC not even recognising the device, which I think I worked around by booting into a different Windows, so maybe the driver gets messed up.

                      Just now I've just flashed some firmware and the device has changed to USB IO Board and I can't find a driver that will install to get it working :(

                      • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (23)

                        Sel- 2014-08-14

                        Hi Guys I know it's been a while but I finally have some time to start again.

                        I have the Pro Micro Arduino and GY 80.

                        I tried to follow Sebatians setup guide and only get as far as Doveman did

                        When I run HeadTrackerGUI.exe and click connect it gives the same error
                        'Error updating UI from settings...'.
                        You also get this error if you connect to the wrong port so I wonder if it's even seeing it, it does see the port in the list.

                        also what does number 3 Download mean, download what to where?

                        I even tried both GY85 and GY80 sketches and both give the same error when trying to connect HeadTracker.

                        I've tried reading more posts but it gets very confusing.

                        Any Ideas where I go from here?


                        Last edit: Sel 2014-08-14

                        • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (24)

                          Petter Wolff- 2014-08-14

                          3 Download I guess means upload to Arduino (which also does a compile, so step 2 seems unnecessary?)
                          Yeah I had that error when I was not wired 100%. When I did a proper solder it worked straight away, could do a Connect then Calibration in the HeadTrackerGUI, and the curves looked great actually. But then FTNoIR received no input, which is my current issue.
                          So my only suggestion there is to double check your wires. Note that on the Pro Micro it's pin 2 and 3 that go to SDA and SCL, respectively. A2/A3 are not in play.

                        • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (25)

                          Sel- 2014-08-15

                          Thanks, Pins are correct.

                          I've even gone back to trying MultiWii which will calibrate, so it is working.
                          But after completing the second sketch upload FTNoIR can't seem to find any input.

                          I'll try again tomorrow using XP in case there is a W7 64bit issue going on.

                          • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (26)

                            Petter Wolff- 2014-08-15

                            Yeah I'm on W7/64 as well, could very well be it.

                          • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (27)

                            Sel- 2014-08-15

                            Odd it also won't work in XP using a software I have used before.

                            Again it works in MultiWii but when testing with FTNoIR I get nothing.
                            I have noticed the steady green flashing light does change to a rapid almost permanently on light.

                            It must be something I'm doing wrong but I can't think what it can be.

                            I've also tried Headtracker again in XP and get the same result with the same error 'Error updating UI from settings...'

                            I could understand a hardware fault if it failed in MultiWii but that works fine.

                            I also see an output using serial monitor so the board is running

                            Last edit: Sel 2014-08-15

                            • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (28)

                              doveman- 2014-08-15

                              I'm actually on Win8.1 Update 1 now, so I thought I'd try with Win7 (I have a dual-boot still) and that showed the device with a driver installed, not USB IO Board, even with the same VID_1B4F&PID_9206&MI_00 as it was showing under Win8.1. I think the problem is that I had to add that to the driver .inf file as it wasn't there by default and Win8.1 is more strict about security and editing .inf files.

                              Anyway, after flashing the code from http://www.instructables.com/id/Modify-The-HC-05-Bluetooth-Module-Defaults-Using-A/?ALLSTEPS it's now changed to USB\VID_2341&PID_8036&REV_0100&MI_00 so I'm not sure how it decides what to use.

                              I couldn't get the HC-05 light to flash every two seconds before, as it should do according to the guide but when I switched to my Pro Micro/MPU board instead of my Pro Micro/GY-85 board it did, so it's probably important to make sure nothing else is connected to the Pro Micro when setting up the HC-05 and reconnect the GY-85 afterwards. So I'll see if I can get any further now.

                              EDIT: Nope, still getting no response when I type AT in the serial monitor. Wiring seems to be OK as the HC-05 is getting power and must be getting the Key signal from pin 9, as the LED is flashing every two seconds, signifying it's in AT mode. I'll have to double-check the RX/TX wires on pins 10 and 14 and maybe solder them to make a more secure connection than I've got with jumper wires.

                              Last edit: doveman 2014-08-15

                              • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (29)

                                Sel- 2014-08-15

                                I've re-installed all my software and it's working again using the multiwii version. headtracker still won't work.

                                It is remembering the settings after unplugging so that's a major plus.

                                I still can't work out the correct orientation, it always seems to move in two directions at the same time.
                                I have done it once so it's going to be trial and error.

                                Last edit: Sel 2014-08-15

                                • facetracknoir Inertial Head Tracker: Arduino protocol (30)

                                  Sebastian- 2014-08-16

                                  Hey guys, I dont watch this topic so often now as there was no questions lately but when I noticed you are here I will try to help :)

                                  I am on Win 7 64 bits so it has nothing to do with it.
                                  With GY 85 AND mirco you have to use this file for micro http://sourceforge.net/projects/gy80facetrack/files/DIY_headtracker_micro_ver0.1.zip/download

                                  I see you already made calibration so now you should use software from GY85\FTR\DIY_Headtracker\ to load it into arduino. Than FTRNoIR should work with it (mapping of axis may be different than with MPU

                                  In my case GY80 orientation of the sensor was diffrent but you can see what is your proper orientation in calibration software if all axes behave properly than you good to go.

                                  If you are able to calibrate the board using software from that file than you are on right track.

                                  GY-80 from file I linked above for Petter should also work but I never tested it as I do not have micro (got Uno).
                                  First thing you should use exe from linked file for calibration!!! If you get error of updating ui it means arduino does not connect to software (make sure to use Arduino software from folder GY-80\Calibration Software first. Do not use Gy-85 as it will not work.

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                                  Name: Stevie Stamm

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